VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Can The FBI Be Salvaged? – IOTW Report


Daily Caller:The Washington, D.C.-based Federal Bureau of Investigation has lost all credibility as a disinterested investigatory agency. Now we learn from a whistleblower that the agency was allegedly investigating moms and dads worried about the teaching of critical race theory in their kids’ schools.

In truth, since 2015, the FBI has been constantly in the news – and mostly in a negative and constitutionally disturbing light.

The fired former Director James Comey injected himself into the 2016 political race by constantly editorializing on his ongoing investigation of candidate Hillary Clinton’s email leaks.

In a bizarre twist, the public learned later that Comey had allowed Hillary Clinton’s own private computer contractor – CrowdStrike – to run the investigation of the hack. The private firm was allowed to keep possession of pertinent hard drives central to the investigation. How odd that CrowdStrike’s point man was Shawn Henry, a former high-ranking FBI employee.

During the Robert Mueller special investigation, the FBI implausibly claimed it had no idea how requested information on FBI cell phones had mysteriously disappeared.

It was also under Comey’s directorship that the FBI submitted inaccurate requests for warrants to a FISA court. Elements of one affidavit to surveil Trump supporter Carter Page were forged by FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, who later pleaded guilty to a felony.

The FBI hired the disreputable ex-British spy Christopher Steele as a contractor, while he was peddling his fantasy – the Clinton-bought dossier – to Obama government officials and the media. more

21 Comments on VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Can The FBI Be Salvaged?

  1. Just think, the black guy, “jump-kick-man’s” identity was only discovered YESTERDAY!
    If the races were reversed the asshole FBI would have known his identity before the night was over.

    Think about that?
    Had a whole fucking trial and didn’t identify that nigga?

  2. They’ll have to be flushed and restarted anew, they’ve been poisoned, and will never be trusted by Americans who’ve seen who and what they are. Germany when down the same path.

  3. As Kurt Schlicter most eloquently stated, the FBI is nothing but a taxpayer funded Stasi for America’s garbage ruling class.

    My addition is that the FBI now serves the role that the Pinkterons did in the 19th Century. Although, in that era, the ruling class had the common courtesy to pay for their own goons.

  4. Ask any addict, the first step is admitting you have a problem. I do not see anyone in the upper ranks willing to admit they are doing anything wrong, so I have to go with ‘NO’ as well.

  5. FBI ceased being “crime fighters” about 30 years ago. But until 9/4/01 I had hope. After the radical leftist GOP Mueller(Yes this liberal is GOP!) took charge I cast aside all hope..It was clear Bob would hire only other leftists. And that is precisely what he did.


    There is no hope for the FBI! It must be destroyed and all fired!


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