Victoria Nuland Calls for Attacking Russian Military Bases – IOTW Report

Victoria Nuland Calls for Attacking Russian Military Bases

BLP: On May 19, 2024, former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland declared that Russian bases should be “fair game” for Ukraine to launch missile strikes against. This comes at a time when there is a heated debate about scrapping a prohibition on Ukraine’s use of American weapons at targets located inside of Russia. 

“I think there’s also a question of whether we, the United States and our allies, ought to give them more help in hitting Russian bases, which heretofore we have not been willing to do,” Nuland stated during an interview appearance on ABC News’s “This Week.”

When asked if she believes Ukraine should launching missile strikes against Russian bases, Nuland stated, “I think if the attacks are coming directly from over the line in Russia, that those bases ought to be fair game, whether they are where missiles are being launched from or where they are where troops are being supplied from.”

Russia has been recently launching its offensive against the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv in the neighboring Belgorod region. Several Ukrainian officials contended that the attacks could have been foiled if they had been allowed to launch attacks against targets in Belgorod. more

30 Comments on Victoria Nuland Calls for Attacking Russian Military Bases

  1. They’re completely insane. Literally out of their fucking minds. They know Russia won’t stand for that, and it will escalate the situation outside of Ukraine

  2. Apparently she has no close relatives that would be directly involved in her plans.
    She must have also been bribed with enough money to sell out America. What a cheap whore.

  3. Black Swan event is coming, one way or another, to make sure we preserve democracy under Obama 3.0 and his feckless, idiotic, dolt puppet.

    Good times coming.

  4. We’ll see who listens to her ‘opinion.’ Hopefully Biden’s inner circle will turn a deaf ear right now.

    Can we keep track of how may Congressman are in the Capital at any one time? If they all suddenly leave, that could be ominous depending on cirumstances.

  5. We didn’t like it when the Soviets tried to put missiles in Cuba, one might understand why Russia might be against US weapons right across their border with Ukraine.

  6. Willy
    I had the week from hell at work. I’ll be in touch. Let’s just say we’re on the same page coming at it from different directions. I’ll be in touch tomorrow.

  7. If Victoria Noland is involved, grab your ankles. This woman has more blood on her hands than does Hitlery Godamn Clinton. Everything she touches turns to death.

  8. Her grandfather, Shmuel, was hounded out of Moldavia by Czarist sponsored pogroms. Shmuel took his anger out on his son, who suffered severe depression episodes as a result which at times lasted for years. And so, little Vicky developed a pathological hatred for Russians, which drove her actions.

    This was reported by an American ex patriate journalist named Gonzalo Lira .. who was immediately arrested. Then he was tortured until death for six months by our bulwark against authoritarianism allies, the Ukrainians. Weird how little our govt cared .. until you learn about the Nuland angle

  9. Bitch, you quit your job because you bet on the wrong horse and f—ked everything up, and niw you’re doubling down? Just because nobody can take away your Security Clearance doesn’t mean you should still be using it. You are quickly becoming a liability to your allies, and you’re literally a fat target to almost everybody else. Wait… is Hillary is putting you up to this?

  10. This is stupidity well beyond nutty crazy insanity. Even an inmate of an insane asylum would not think of doing this. A cuckoo is flying over Victoria Nuland’s head and dropped a bad idea on her.

    But her idea might be a pathway to reducing the world’s population by several billions. This is no doubt a good plan to Globalists and Warmists.

  11. The first rule of effective strategy is: “Keep it to your fucking self!”

    So, my guess is that this isn’t a declaration of a strategic decision, or even intent, but some kind of stupid State Department proclamation like the one by Dulles, in which he stated that Korea was “outside America’s interest” (or ‘sphere of influence’ or something of that sort) thus precipitating the Korean War.

    She should be shit-canned.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Tim-FJB, you can’t fire her, she quit. Probably so she could keep making insane statements that the deep state wants in the public record without responsibility for it as official policy. Our foreign policy is made by mean girls.


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