Video: 15 Years After 9/11 – Lessons Not Learned – IOTW Report

Video: 15 Years After 9/11 – Lessons Not Learned



16 Comments on Video: 15 Years After 9/11 – Lessons Not Learned

  1. They’re busy waging a war on the West while shitbags like Hillary tell us:
    “terrorism has nothing whatsoever to do with iSlam”

    They’re busy waging a war on the West while we’re fuckin around with Political Correctness, Gay rights, BLM, insane transgender Bathroom Rules, sanitized transcripts for our “protection”, and a fuckton of Corruption!

  2. WTC-7 collapse makes me very skeptical that something fishy is going on.

    Kinda makes today National Thermite Day.

    If what is speculated is even partially true then electing the first dead female president isn’t out of the question.

  3. 1600 Pennsylvania Ave…… dysfunction junction ~~ where illegal immigrants, welfare queens, community organizers, perverts, marxists, socialists, communists, muslims, jihadists and parents of traitors are always welcome.

  4. From the moment of his oath-taking, this usurper in our White House has done everything to give aid and comfort to America’s enemies. I’m ashamed of myself for not doing something, anything, about it. We all know the names of every one of the professional political activists, so-called “SJW”‘s and each one of them has their own lists of functionaries all connected to a vast network whose aim is and always has been to upend the America founded on sacred principles and replace it with a centrally-planned, centrally-governed, socialist, Marxist state.

  5. 9-11 taught us that our government lies constantly and consistently unless proven otherwise. I appreciate them for being so ham-handedly obvious that my kids don’t doubt what I’ve taught them.

  6. 9-11 increased my awareness about a lot of things. It wasn’t long after that I started reading at sites like AtlasShruggs and Jihad Watch. Then I followed a link to iOTW and found the best site with the most fun going on anywhere. And I have learned a bunch in those years. I never really knew what a progressive was until the iOTW education started. Thank everybody here for that.
    The internet is a great educational tool and an important means of communication of ideas and information. I believe most of us here have learned a lot of lessons from the jihad attacks. We are not the lofos, that is an inherited trait of the Left.

  7. @Unruly refugee
    “The internet is a great educational tool and an important means of communication of ideas and information. I believe most of us here have learned a lot of lessons from the jihad attacks. We are not the lofos, that is an inherited trait of the Left.”

    Is that why the o is giving away the internet?

  8. yes, whack job, WTC7 is the sticky bit. Most people don’t know that 3 sky scrapers fell that day.

    I have mentioned before that I work with a marine, and he is very skeptical of any 9-11 conspiracy theories. But even he acknowledges that there is NO fricking way that an airliner hit the pentagon. Just not possible. Obviously a cruise missile. He was a F-4 RIO and served 20 years.

  9. Fuckers have lost their bleeding minds. It was a fucking airplane that hit the fucking Pentagon. It was 2 airplanes that knocked down the Towers and WTC7.

    Get your heads out of your assholes.

  10. Agreed anon.
    Assholes disrespect the dead saying extremely ignorant things like “NO fricking way an airliner hit the Pentagon, just not possible.”
    Not possible? WTF!!!
    Tell that to the investigators that pulled engine parts out of the wreckage.
    The smell of Jet A was everywhere and cooked a lot of good people.
    Any “marine” that is skeptical needs a padded cell.
    Everything is completely documented if you bothered to remove your head from your ass.

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