Video: Chris Matthews’s Night of a Thousand Gaffes – IOTW Report

Video: Chris Matthews’s Night of a Thousand Gaffes

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Live television, particularly news broadcasting, is bound to have the occasion slip-up or gaffe here and there. Some nights are much better than others and some much worse. Tonight, MSNBC Hardball host Chris Matthews had three or four, including confusing an NBC reporter’s name with that of a movie star.

“I’m joined right now by NBC’s Halle Berry,” Matthews said as his introduced his first segment’s panelists.


7 Comments on Video: Chris Matthews’s Night of a Thousand Gaffes

  1. Tbat’s just any random five minutes for Sharpton. But keep your nose to the grindstone, the glass to your lips, and you may best the master one day, Mumbletingles.

  2. Crissy is the poster child for old queen has-beens…their moment on center stage in the spotlight faded in the 70s….they think they are all Gloria Swanson in “SUNSET BOULEVARD”….I am ready for my closeup, Mr. DeMille……

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