VIDEO: “I’m in the middle of doing my workout”- Bill de Blasio shoos away homeless/activist woman – IOTW Report

VIDEO: “I’m in the middle of doing my workout”- Bill de Blasio shoos away homeless/activist woman

DC: New York City Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio was captured on camera telling a homeless woman that he could not speak to her about the city’s affordable housing crisis because he was in the middle of his workout.

“I’m in the middle of doing my workout,” de Blasio told 72-year-old Nathylin Flowers Adesegun after she approached him while he was stretching at the Park Slope YMCA.

“I can’t do this now,” he continued, according to

“We’re not doing this here,” he said as he walked away from Adesegun.

Adesegun was with dozens of activists with VOCAL-NY who appeared at the YMCA to call on de Blasio to increase affordable housing for the homeless in New York.

“He made it clear that his morning workout was more important to him,” Adesegun said, according to “Am I just supposed to stay homeless?”  read more

14 Comments on VIDEO: “I’m in the middle of doing my workout”- Bill de Blasio shoos away homeless/activist woman

  1. There is NOTHING affordable in New Yawk city.
    From what this South Carolina boy can gather,
    you got to work 3 jobs,hustle on the street corner and
    in the clubs and sell on Ebay just to eat and live
    in a small 1 room apt.

  2. @Radio…Man & all you ‘homeless activist’, lower-status cretons ~ His Lordship De Blasio has no time for you! … Begone! you filthy peasants!

    … why can’t all you low-lives just move out of NYC & leave it to us so-much-more-worthy millionaires? ~ Chicken-Legs Billy De Blasio

  3. I kinda agree with him. I loathe the guy, but there is a time and a place for everything. This wan’t her time or the right place. He could have told her to set an appointment with his office, and thereby handle it better. Just like our favorite pols getting interrupted at dinner, (And no, I’m not talking about the jackasses who shout at, and drive them out of a restaurant), we think they deserve some time to themselves. He does too, even though he’s a big fat, commie jerk.

    @Dan, just saw your post. You’re quicker on the draw, and less verbose than me!

  4. New York IS way too expensive – spent a year there myself and couldn’t believe the prices. In the movies people work in book stores and restaurants and live alone in cool apartments in Lower Manhattan. Yeah, right!

  5. Queen Maxine told the minions to go out and confront them. Sometimes ‘them’ is a democrat. Too bad.
    Yeah, right… de Blasio uses the Y.
    He wasn’t at the YMCA for a workout, he was there to get some publicity shots by his people and this chick just walked in on him.

  6. Back in the late 70’s I worked with a guy from New York City who moved south to (as he put it) escape the madness. He said everybody he knew in NYC had two jobs. Not for extra money, mind you, but just to be able to afford to live there. He said that that was the reason New Yorkers had a reputation for being short-tempered, callous, and rude to everyone. He explained that it was because they were constantly overworked, stressed out, and worried that they might lose one of their jobs, many times due to backstabbing co-workers. I thought maybe he was exaggerating, but who was I to argue, since I had never lived there myself.

    If it was true, maybe things have changed for the better since then, I dunno.

    Oh – and he said that despite the strict gun laws in NYC, everyone he knew who could afford it was packing heat.


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