VIDEO: Lou Dobbs pile drives Paul Ryan for being the worthless traitor he is – IOTW Report

VIDEO: Lou Dobbs pile drives Paul Ryan for being the worthless traitor he is

Powdered Wig Society: Paul Rino is a waste product and the worst Speaker of the House in modern history, an era that includes crocodile tears John Boner and Nancy “Batsh!t Crazy” Pelosi.

I agree with Lou Dobbs in the following video that Rino has long outlived his uselessness. He has opposed President Trump at every turn, engineering a non-repeal of Obamacare and denying funds to begin construction of Trump’s border wall.


17 Comments on VIDEO: Lou Dobbs pile drives Paul Ryan for being the worthless traitor he is

  1. The Uniparty will continue to try and derail Trump and his agenda. But Trump uses this to continue winning.

    If you understand that the ‘democratic party’ and the ‘republican party’ work for only each other; and against US, you’ll eventually understand that it is WE who work for THEM.

    I’m more worried about people who have his captive ear; like his son-in-law Kushner. There’s something about that asshole that doesn’t ring true, but it does ring lefty-liberal.

    I don’t trust him.

  2. Here is something that I’ve been waiting for Trump to make an issue out of, and he hasn’t yet, but it is a winner if he does. Congress must live under the laws they pass that the rest are forced to comply with. He would pick up a bunch of undecided if he was to make an issue out of that.

  3. +1 joe sixpack
    Especially Obamacare. Make that obamacare BS apply to every govt. worker, and keep them on it even after everyone else gets out of it. I’d even allow the (D)irtbag politicians to get out of it, as long as the SEIU was stuck with it forever.

  4. Here is something else Trump needs to do, ASAP. Get Ivanka and her husband out of the White House. What the hell is going on when she gets three trademarks in China the same day she is sitting down to dinner with the HMFIC in China. No matter the explanation, it doesn’t look good.

  5. Shitcan obamacare or make the congress as a whole
    fall under it. Make that an executive order in that
    the congress must fall under the law they put upon
    the people.

    Phuck them.

  6. Brad,

    Both parties thought Hillary was gonna win. Fuck them both. They never expected an irreverent, brash, mover and doer to make it to the White House.

    That’s what I mean.

    The Republican’s ain’t helping him do shit. Trump is doing most of this on his own except for the military and the Border Patrol helping him.

  7. Lou Dobbs must stay at Fox Business. I’ve eliminated FNC in the lineup — only listen to Hannity when I want to on tablet or radio. He’s been pounding away on Ryan since last summer. I hope he keeps at it.

    Kushner is there for his close relationships within Israel. I doubt if there is anything to worry about w/him. His FIL is a great deal more savvy than that.

  8. Trump and Ryan are at the fork in the road.

    Trump’s Free Capitalism and smaller government
    Ryan’s continued Big, over bearing, government control, “federal government proclaims its need for more money and more power, promising that if only it can levy one more tax, enforce one more regulation, create one more program it will be able to solve all of man’s woes.”

    I voted for Trump and his agenda, NOT ryan’s.

  9. ryan is a professional politician.
    of course he’s a liar, cheat and traitor to the citizens.
    all professional politicians are.

    it took an accomplished businessman to start to try to turn things around in this country.
    no professional politician will be in support of reducing his own power and prestige.
    Trump will get no support from the republicans for these efforts.

    elect more businessmen and fewer politicians if you want a change to less government.

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