VIDEO: Madonna offers NYC crowd ‘BJs’ for Hillary votes – IOTW Report

VIDEO: Madonna offers NYC crowd ‘BJs’ for Hillary votes

That must be how she got them to come to her concert in the first place.

AM: Aging singer Madonna is trying to boost the male vote for Hillary Clinton by offering sexual favors in exchange for ballots for her candidate.

While introducing comedian Amy Schumer, the 58-year-old singer made the pitch to show attendees Tuesday night.

“If you vote for Hillary Clinton, I will give you a blow job. OK?” she said as at Madison Square Garden audience cheered.

“And I’m really good. I’m not a dick and I’m not a tool. I take my time, I have a lot of eye contact and I do swallow.”  MORE

30 Comments on VIDEO: Madonna offers NYC crowd ‘BJs’ for Hillary votes

  1. Talk about ‘quid pro quo’. Dumping sewage in public streets and spewing sewage on public stages. Next we’ll see the democRATS selling children, oh wait, planned parenthood already does that.

    How long after HITlary becomes emperor, does she keep her promise to put American factories back to work; by making SOYLENT GREEN?

  2. I wonder if Moose will come out and claim to be “shocked to her core”, as she did over Trump’s ancient pussy comment.

    Maybe not, since she’s never gotten upset over the lyrics of the rappers she invites to the White Hut.

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