VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi, Hank Johnson dance their cares away in Ghana – IOTW Report

VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi, Hank Johnson dance their cares away in Ghana

American Thinker:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and members of the Congressional Black Caucus visited Ghana this week to atone for America’s sin of slavery.

But it wasn’t all glum — they just had to dance!

Pelosi and members of Congress joined the Winneba Youth Choir, and Pelosi got down.


25 Comments on VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi, Hank Johnson dance their cares away in Ghana

  1. A black man with no rhythm, a black sequined cowgirl and a white woman with frozen face mask.

    The Ghanaians must’ve been thinking “the American tribes are very confusing….Do these tribes war among themselves and what are their intentions for us?”

  2. Ghana, one of the dirthole countries that led the way in capturing and selling their own Bro’s to the world! The entire continent of Africa needs to atone for its heinous crime of being slave enablers and profiteers! It is time they acknowledged their leading role and paid a price! It all ‘started’ in ‘Africa’ and still exists there today! Africa is guilty of crimes against humanity!

  3. Members of the congressional black caucus should look at that shithole Ghana and thank their lucky stars that their ancestors were sold into slavery and brought to America.

  4. How many Shithole-Lords were on that trip? Hank “Guam” Johnson, reps a pretty big shithole, Dekalb County, GA. Was that imbecile John Lewis there? He reps the big shithole next door to Dekalb, the City of Atlanta. And was Lucy McBath there? She’s my new Dem rep, and she’s working on turning my district into another metro ATL shithole.

    Karen Handel are you running against McBath or not? If so, I hope your people are quietly doing oppo research. It’d be good to hear from the GOP in GA-6.

  5. Nancy Pelosi said to Ghana “we the Democrat Party of America apologize for buying all those slaves you voluntarily sold us in the 1700’s and 1800’s.”

    Anyone who says Black Americans aren’t smart, they need to think again. After all, Black Americans refuse to join yacht clubs because a couple centuries ago some Democrats went over to the west coast of Africa and said “hey! Y’all wanna go sailin’?” They aren’t gonna fall for that crap a second time.

    And where are Illin’ Omar’s table manners?? That idiot should know that you put the napkin on your lap, NOT ON YOUR HEAD!!

  6. Omar says she “went back” to Ghana with Pelousy. She is a Smellyan, not a Ghananian. I bet her ancestors were slave-drivers and not slaves.

    Phony lying liberal bee-itch.


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