Video: Old California Woman maces couple for not wearing masks WHILE EATING in San Diego park – IOTW Report

Video: Old California Woman maces couple for not wearing masks WHILE EATING in San Diego park

Disrn: An elderly woman sprayed a man and his wife with mace in a San Diego park on Thursday, allegedly because they were not wearing masks while eating a picnic lunch outdoors.

A passerby caught the event on video [language warning]:

33 Comments on Video: Old California Woman maces couple for not wearing masks WHILE EATING in San Diego park

  1. I’ve seen some pretty raunchy potty mouthed elderly women post Trump. I couldn’t imagine such creatures existed during the era in which I grew up.

    My dad, being a cop, had pretty salty language at times. Even he knew to rein it in polite company.

  2. I would have LOL’d if the husband had been able to wrest the mace away from the statist biddie and use it back on her – all in self defense, of course.
    And by all means, press charges against the statist biddie. Actions have consequences.

  3. I had a Zoom meeting last night with a bunch of childhood friends, all but one definitely on the liberal side (and the one conservative is very tactful, having been in politics most of his life). I showed up late to the meeting, they were talking about the ‘protests’, mask wearing, pretty much all about politics and coronavirus. One of my friends started an eyelash salon early this year after months of preparation and purchases, which of course was one of the first places shut down. This is in south Los Angeles, they live in Orange County. They were finally able to reopen a month ago only to be shut down 2 weeks later. The consensus of the group was ‘why can’t everyone just wear their masks?’ Ugh. I pointed out to them the multiple hypocrisies: You can’t open the salon (by state mandate) but there are partiers and protesters gathering en masse; The masks work, yet even though the salon operates under sterile conditions you still can’t open it; and the Nevada SCOTUS ruling that casinos can have unlimited numbers (with distancing rules) yet churches are limited to 50. In fact a classmate of ours oversaw construction of a megachurch outside Las Vegas a few years ago so we have some connection to that concern. They couldn’t argue with those facts – not that I swayed anybody’s opinion.

  4. “I had a Zoom meeting last night with a bunch of childhood friends, all but one definitely on the liberal side…”

    Might have well had a zoom meeting with a bucket of sand.

  5. If that old bitch had done that to me I’d make sure she had a good reason to have a handicap plate on her car! I’m old enough to remember a time when it was forbidden to hit a woman…those days are LONG GONE! They wanted to be treated like equals I’d knock her on her ass then mace her!

  6. I would have sat on that old hags back until the cops showed up. No way would she mace me and leave. I’ve been pepper sprayed and gassed, it sucks, but not debilitating. They should have just tossed a bucket of water on the old woman and watch her melt.

  7. I probably would have restrained myself from hitting her (bad optics, and this is, after all, San Francisco), but I may have “accidentally” broken her wrist in the process of disarming her in self defense.

  8. I read this story somewhere stating no eating…in a park…at a picnic table.

    Well, you did give a “language warning” MJA…therefore fuck you cock sucking faggoty assed karen crybabies!!! Be DAMN careful where you point yer little canisters!!!

  9. ” I had a Zoom meeting last night with a bunch of childhood friends…”

    Did you wear striped shirts and speak Ubbi-Dubbi? *I’ll see myself out the door*

  10. To the wife victim who justified her husband’s passive response:
    If someone chooses to assault me, I must defend myself. My choice how.

    Good luck with getting fair treatment in the justice system in CA. The old bitch is probably a judge’s widow. lol

  11. Yeah, I don’t buy the ‘don’t hit her, she’s just a woman’ bit. If she had a stun gun or an actual gun, then what?

    Fist to the face.
    Through the cloud of smoke, you can’t tell the age anyway, and you don’t know if the stank ho was an actual old lady.
    You see how men like to dress like women nowadays.
    So sorry, all bets are off. Women want equal rights? I’m an equal opportunity face hitter.

  12. Oh and I’ll say it again, you stupid mace happy fucks. If you spray a person for a retarded reason, such as because they’re not wearing a mask. Then that person will cough and sneeze and spit everywhere. Do you hear? EVERYWHERE you stupid fucking cunts.

    And prepare yourself for financial ass-raping if you spray a person with allergies or weak lungs.


  13. Yesterday at the beach some young fat chick was screaming at a guy who was gathering petition signatures for getting too close to people. He had a mask on and sanitizer. (I know. At the beach. Eye roll) She had no mask at the time. She walked. Good 30 yards just to yell at him.
    These people need some valium.

  14. It is easy to make the argument that mace or OC sprays can cause a temporary disabling reaction.

    For concealed carriers, they must avoid that vulnerable state. They might use force, even lethal force, to make sure that they retain possession of their firearm.

    Chew on that petty tyrants and Karens.

  15. I’d probably not respond to that if i was by myself. Mace my girlfriend and you’re going to pay the price on the spot. I was raised to never hit a woman. A Human female, never. A sub-human female possibly. She’d fall into the latter category and get flattened for attacking my girlfriend.

  16. The old woman needs a STEEP Fine and to get arrested for sure.

    But my god that woman was crying so bad that I thought that she was a 6 year old girl.

    What happened to adulthood?

    The Husband on the other hand did everything right. If he would have touched the old woman, she would have said that was the cause of her reaching for the mace. Only the video would have saved his ass and even then she could have said that he touched her BEFORE the video started rolling.

    Almost everyone is a liar these days. Best to try and stay calm in the face of assholedness.

  17. I saw a woman near that age get flattened with a roundhouse open hand slap to the side of her face by a friend of mine in college. She walked up and spit in his face while he was offering pro life prayer cards outside the Olympia Farmers Market. KTFO, boom, done gone. I don’t think they ever found her upper plate.

    Those old bitches were the absolute worst.

  18. An assault needs quick incapacitation.

    Quick punch to the solar plexus. She was within striking distance for this.

    Go on granny. Keep sucking and try to catch your breath now. See how it feels.

    All bets are off with chivalry when attacked.

    Send a message to both attackers and defenders for future reference.

  19. In a perfect world, that old bat would have been smacked right up side the head without repercussion. The evil old progressive, mask Nazi deserves a bad case of the Chinavirus.


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