Video: Pamela Geller Discussing Islamization of San Diego Schools – IOTW Report

Video: Pamela Geller Discussing Islamization of San Diego Schools

Pamela Geller: I appeared on One America News network’s The Daily Ledger to discuss the islamization and madrassing of the San Diego public schools.

The islamization of public schools has been proceeding for many years.

Jewish students are the most bullied, but there are no safe places or Judaism lessons in public school. Or for Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, etc. This is part of the escalation of the islamization of the workplace.

 It is telling that the public school district is working with a designated terrorist group, CAIR.

This is nothing short short of surrender to an brutal, invading ideology.

Textbook companies have their material on Islam vetted by Islamic groups that turn them into dawah presentations, proselytizing for Islam.


6 Comments on Video: Pamela Geller Discussing Islamization of San Diego Schools

  1. Muhammad was a narcissist, a pedophile, a mass murderer, a terrorist, a misogynist, a lecher, a cult leader, a madman, a rapist, a torturer, an assassin and a looter.

  2. Brad : It’s Rancho San Diego (Eastern ) and El Cajon for the most part .
    It’s scary that this is happening right in front of us here and few know it.
    Teachers in San Diego – Youd’e better start speaking up ! Your’e as bad as Muslims not reporting on Terror in the Mosques.
    The kids aren’t talking about it at all, that’s why it works…You Know it’s like selling drugs to kids, only worse !

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