VIDEO: Preschool teacher goes on profanity-laced tirade against Portland police during protests – IOTW Report

VIDEO: Preschool teacher goes on profanity-laced tirade against Portland police during protests

She teaches small children with that mouth.

EAG:PORTLAND, Ore. – A video of a Portland preschool teacher’s lecturing rant at police during last weekend’s protests makes it clear she’s not exactly a shining example of good behavior.

The two minute video posted to Twitter by user Rod Stryker shows the self-proclaimed teacher clad in all black as she lectured police who worked to protect her and other social justice warriors who came out to instigate a confrontation with thousands of pro-Trump supporters in downtown Portland on Sunday.

The profanity-laced tirade provided a unique look at both the mentality of those who oppose the president and the type of folks who are shaping the minds of America’s youth.  more here

16 Comments on VIDEO: Preschool teacher goes on profanity-laced tirade against Portland police during protests

  1. My daughter is a pre school teacher with the local Head Start at Spokane Falls Comm. College and would never do this. She knows better and loves her little kids and would be fired immediately for less than this if she said something or did something stupid around the kids. This woman in Portland should never be allowed to ever be around children ever again and be put in jail for her actions. There is no excuse for this kind of behavior ever.

  2. Cops are thinking about going piñata on the ninja loon, but have second thoughts because she is not filled with candy, but instead loaded with crabs and lice.

  3. ‘I’m a teacher. I pay my taxes. I pay your salary. jada jada blah blah blah…’

    She’s a teacher. Sure she is. If she is, who does she think is paying her salary? The police are just doing their job, in a safe manner. They should go to her place of work and remind her who pays her salary. See how she likes that. (I noticed she didn’t teach the cops anything).
    Woman with problems, there.

  4. Single mom. Why am I not surprised?

    That’s a nice extended vocabulary for a school teacher. No wonder Johnny can’t pass the test.

    If the students in your class are afraid of police, why invite them to your class? Does she enjoy striking fear into the hearts of her students?

  5. Well that’s rich, lecturing cops about responsibility blah, blah, blah, and I pay your paycheck. Really bitch? Who pays yours? People like me, who thank God no longer have school aged children in the system, but are forced to pay out the wazoo in prop taxes to support the indoctrination of our youth.
    DHS brought officers in for the Portland rally to show the local forces how it’s done. Hopefully their presence at future rallies will shame the local authorities into doing their job and protect the free speech movement.

  6. This is right up there with the journalist that was filmed going on a tirade against a cop last weekend when she was ejected from a bar for being a drunk disruptive moron (that ended off camera with her allegedly assaulting him). What you do and say in public has the potential to be memorialized for all to see and there can be ramifications to your career and future.

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