VIDEO: President Trump Unleashes on Bidens at Last Night’s Epic MN Rally – IOTW Report

VIDEO: President Trump Unleashes on Bidens at Last Night’s Epic MN Rally

Sleepy Joe sold out America

Dan Bongino:

[…] Trump continued: “Meanwhile Biden allowed China to rip off America for eight years as Vice President and Barack Obama let them just rob us blind and we’re not doing that anymore. Those day are over. the Bidens got rich and that is substantiated, while Americans got robbed. that’s what happened. sleepy Joe sold out America.”

13 Comments on VIDEO: President Trump Unleashes on Bidens at Last Night’s Epic MN Rally

  1. Trump delivered last night! An hour and forty minutes. He lets the TRAITOROUS BASTARDS like the Bidens have it with both barrels. It’s great having a President that doesn’t believe in political correctness.

  2. “He was only a good Vice President because he understood how to kiss Barack Obama’s ass”

    I stood up and clapped when I heard that!
    I also wished I could see Jackass Joe’s face when he heard it!

    Keep it real President Trump and prosecute that stone, cold corrupt POS!

  3. I think President Trump is the greatest ever then I catch a Reagan speech and realize how great he was.
    And Lincoln kept the Union together.
    And Silent Cal Coolidge had a pretty good record of peace and prosperity.
    So here’s what Mount Rushmore should be:
    Washington – Lincoln – Coolidge – Reagan – Trump !!!!!

  4. Rumor has it that Queen Elizabeth called and requested audio copies of all President Trumps speeches….said she’d trade a never-used ipod of President Obama’s ‘speeches.’


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