Video proof “irate” AG Bill Barr was in on the coup against President Trump – IOTW Report

Video proof “irate” AG Bill Barr was in on the coup against President Trump

Revolver: By this point, it’s clear to everyone that Bill Barr was a dirty pawn of the Deep State, installed to undermine President Trump from the inside. Yet, we’ve now got a rare look at just how evil he truly was. Barr wasn’t merely “concerned” about the 2020 election; he was outright “irate.” Not over the injustice of it all, mind you, but because he was incensed by any investigations into the sham. If this doesn’t scream his direct involvement in the coup against Trump, what does?

Here’s what Trump spokeswoman Liz Harrington had to share about “irate” Bill Barr and his urgent push to halt any probes into the 2020 sham election.

18 Comments on Video proof “irate” AG Bill Barr was in on the coup against President Trump

  1. Knock me over with a feather.
    Despite his shamelessly huge girth, there could be so much ammo, and opprobrium, hurled at the fat man that he would roll quite a distance down a field like a plastic reactive target.
    Relish that mental image.

  2. Trump needs to do like President Kennedy did and make his brother the AG. I think he took a lot of heat for that. Of course Trump doesn’t have a brother to do that and I don’t know if any of his children are qualified but a trusted friend, not that there are many who didn’t turn on him.

  3. He saw the writing on the wall, that nothing good is coming out of this. An administration that had more personnel changes than any other previous administration. Word was people couldn’t stand working for the Former Guy period.
    Serving a 2nd term, sure but it might not be exactly where you wanted it to be.


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