Video: Rahm Emanuel Responds to Lawmaker with Laughter and Sarcasm Over Chicago Violence – IOTW Report

Video: Rahm Emanuel Responds to Lawmaker with Laughter and Sarcasm Over Chicago Violence

Rebel Pundit

According to the Chicago Sun Times, while appearing before a legislative panel, Mayor Rahm Emanual was questioned about police resources:

[State Representative] Dunkin ripped Emanuel for failing to honor his campaign promise to hire 1,000 additional Chicago police officers and for using $103 million in police overtime in 2013 as a substitute for new hiring.

Noting that there are four or five police officers on every corner along Michigan Avenue, Dunkin asked, “Why can’t we do that in black and brown” neighborhoods?

Emanuel was also questioned about the accuracy of the crime statistics put out by the city:

With Police Supt. Garry McCarthy seated next to the mayor, Dunkin questioned the veracity of crime statistics that both the mayor and McCarthy have used to tout a 40-year low in homicides and a drop in other crimes.

Watch the Mayor respond to questioning with laughter and sarcasm:



11 Comments on Video: Rahm Emanuel Responds to Lawmaker with Laughter and Sarcasm Over Chicago Violence

  1. Hey Dunkin – they don’t like you uppity slaves too much there on the Dem plantation where you obediently serve your white Dem master.

    Better shut yo mouth boy before Rahm gits his bullwhip….

  2. Well compared to the burning of the Middle East, Fast n Furious, and Benghazi, this is a real laughing riot, not to mention Obama-care, the collapse of western manufacturing sectors, and record enrollments to welfare. Hysterical.

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