VIDEO: Recording Of AstraZeneca CEO Saying How ‘Millions Of People’ Should Avoid COVID Shots – IOTW Report

VIDEO: Recording Of AstraZeneca CEO Saying How ‘Millions Of People’ Should Avoid COVID Shots

Geller Report: The largest failed medical experiment in human history. Where are the indictments? Jail terms?

12 Comments on VIDEO: Recording Of AstraZeneca CEO Saying How ‘Millions Of People’ Should Avoid COVID Shots

  1. Population reduction paid for by government, released Big Pharma of any liability, enthusiastically encouraged an experimental (non)vaccine, PREVENTED alternative medications (Ivermectin, Chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine and others), then Mandated (forced) segments of the population to receive the shot or lose their employment and sold by Big MEDIA who received 100s of $Millions of add revenues from Big Pharma.

    The experimental (non)Vaccine has been proved to be “ineffective” and causing serious medical complications and death. Yet they are pushing experimental DNA altering booster shots for our children.

    The GOVERNMENT lied, BIG PHARMA lied and Big MEDIA lied.
    10s of thousands of Americans DIED.

    There will be no firings, no lawsuits, no investigations, no grand juries, no indictments, no prosecutions and no accountability by Government, Big Pharma or Big Media.
    One filthy, bloody hand washes the other.

  2. In the interest of full disclosure.
    After the Pfizer “second” injection, my very active younger 65 year old brother had blood clots go to 3 separate areas of his brain. Paralyzed on his entire right side, incontinent, unable to walk, unable to speak, read, write or any other method of communication.
    He is unable to care for himself.
    Many full-time care facilities will not accept him as he only has Medicare that does not cover the full monthly cost. Even with Soc. Security and his VA Disability, he is unable cover the facility’s entire bill.
    He has no recourse as Pfizer received full absolution and released by the government from all liability.

    There are 10s of thousands in the US suffering life altering ailments, just like my brother. Not to mention the many needless deaths, grieving family and friends..

    All the while CEOs and officers of BIG PHARMA have become multi-$Billionaires and Big Media received it’s 20 pieces of silver from Big Pharma for 24/7 media advertisements touting their ineffective (non)vaccine.

  3. Cato,
    I am so very sorry to hear this about your brother. I have a friend with some of the same effects. You are so right. There will never be accountability. We will be lucky if there is ever a time when the truth will even bee fully told.

  4. The government creates “it”.
    “It” attacks you.
    You burp at the government, about “justice”.

    And, anyone should regret your genocide?

  5. Oh cato, so sorry to hear.
    Prayers up to God and Jesus. 🙏

    One of my aunts got 1 shot and developed fluid around her heart.
    My father, 80+ yrs old, has never been sick in his life. He got the 2 shots and developed pneumonia and fluid around the heart and a spot of cancer.

    These shots are the work of evil.


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