Video Released After Brutal Beating of Chicago Police Officer – IOTW Report

Video Released After Brutal Beating of Chicago Police Officer

The officer decided not to shoot her assailant because she was worried about the ‘scrutiny’ she might face, Police Supt. Eddie Johnson said.

NBC: Graphic dashcam and bodycam video has been released showing a suburban man — allegedly high on PCP — punching and body-slamming Chicago police officers as they tried to handcuff him earlier this month.

More than three hours of footage of the brutal incident were released Friday by the Chicago Police Department after authorities said a female officer who was beaten unconscious didn’t shoot her attacker because she feared she might face backlash.

The footage begins as two officers attempt to take Parta Huff, of Maywood, into custody after he allegedly crashed his vehicle into a liquor store. MORE

7 Comments on Video Released After Brutal Beating of Chicago Police Officer

  1. Poor police have been put in between a rock and a hard place because of Obama/Jarrett. This is exactly what they wanted. Disgusting what they have done to this country.

    And what we have allowed.

  2. @Newby, if he was high on PCP how long were you planning on following him?
    What I found a little disturbing is that the two officers that initially engaged the black suspect were white while two black female officers that seemed to be originally on the scene hung back on the periphery when the engagement started. Then a third officer comes in and engages and he’s also white while the two black female officers still hung back not really knowing what to do. I’m glad that the suspect is in custody and that while the cops that engaged suffered bruises, bumps and scraps they are all still alive but |I have to wonder about the level of training or of recruitment that the Chicago Police Force is using when maintaining their force.

  3. this video is just one example of how far this world has fallen-pull a Rodney king on him and beat him until HE is down and out. a person on PCP has super strength and a taser wont stop them-but a bullet will.

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