VIDEO: ‘Repentant’ ISIS fighter details plot to infiltrate U.S. through Mexico – IOTW Report

VIDEO: ‘Repentant’ ISIS fighter details plot to infiltrate U.S. through Mexico

American Mirror: An ISIS fighter captured in Syria recently revealed at least one plot to infiltrate the United States through the porous southern border with Mexico to launch terrorist attacks from within the country.

Anne Speckhard and Ardian Shajkovci, researchers with the International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism, have interviewed hundreds of captured terrorists in recent years, including a Canadian with dual Trinidad citizenship named Abu Henricki al Canadi, who turned himself in to Syrian Democratic Forces aligned with the U.S. this spring.


This week, Speckhard and Shajkovci published the interview with Canadi in which he details his time with ISIS in Syria, where he alleges ISIS leaders proposed a plan to smuggle him into the U.S. through Mexico and tortured and imprisoned him when he and others refused, Homeland Security Today reports.

Canadi spent an hour and a half with the ICSVE researchers on May 12 to explain what attracted him to the violent Islamic State Caliphate and why he was ultimately imprisoned by the group with his Canadian wife in Manbij in 2016. Canadi was tortured, though his wife wasn’t, and the two were eventually released. A life threatening illness and living homeless in an unrelenting war zone later convinced them and others to commandeer a van and drive to a SDF checkpoint to turn themselves in, he said. more here

4 Comments on VIDEO: ‘Repentant’ ISIS fighter details plot to infiltrate U.S. through Mexico

  1. I’m surprised that nobody’s made a successful attack with all our (un) intelligence agencies being so caught up in nullifying a legitimate election of a US President. Dumb luck I guess.

  2. “ONE” of Thousands of islamic terrorists has become ‘Repentant’ about plot to infiltrate U.S. through Mexico and blow shit up.

    You can find the others in Mosques throughout the US recruiting terrorist cells.

  3. Anyone that willingly participated in an organization that violently extreme shouldn’t be expected to convert to anything approaching rational. He’ll snap again, it’s in his wiring.

  4. There will be a variant of one of two things that Will happen if this border is not controlled.
    One day a southern city like Yuma, Tucson, El Paso or Corpus Christy will go up in an atomic fireball killing a million or more. Or.
    Infected invaders spread a deadly pandemic throughout our country.
    Either one of these things will spark the American Restoration, and the abettors (most of congress) will swing from the lampposts

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