Video Reveals Disadvantaged Populations Taking Excessive Vaccines for Tax Funded Gift Card Incentive – IOTW Report

Video Reveals Disadvantaged Populations Taking Excessive Vaccines for Tax Funded Gift Card Incentive

Project Veritas– Undercover Video Reveals Disadvantaged Populations Taking Excessive Vaccines for Tax Funded Gift Card Incentive: ‘You Find People that do it Five, Six Times…for the Incentive.’ • Source recorded video show employees of New York contracted medical provider DocGoAmbulnz discussing how people are often successful overcoming barriers that exist to prevent people from getting excessive COVID-19 vaccinations in exchange for the financial incentive of a $100 gift card: People are “flipping the names and the date-of-birth.”

18 Comments on Video Reveals Disadvantaged Populations Taking Excessive Vaccines for Tax Funded Gift Card Incentive

  1. IDGAF.

    i seldom believe in the concept of disadvantaged.

    I have been fixing rooftop heat in sub zero weather for 2 months straight now and had only 1 day off (Sunday) this month.

    Work fuckers Work! (under 65’s)

  2. Disadvantaged my ass! How about generational parasites? These deadbeats have grown up learning how to milk the system for all they can. They see this as just one more opportunity for free shit.

  3. ‘disadvantaged’

    street trash
    drug addicts
    mentally ill

    Yeah, I guess it is a broad brush.

  4. Disadvantaged as in Methadone dopers.
    Where I live, the state pays these dopers somewhere around $65 for mileage to the Methadone clinic.
    Five guys get together and carpool.
    So….they get a free high, a small stipend for a snack after the dosing, because it might upset their tummy, and $55 dollars after gas is paid for.
    Pretty good scam but for the addiction.
    These same rocket scientists would be getting the multiple injections, I would assume.

  5. And just like Esau these losers have sold their birthright of freedom for nothing but porridge (actually lentil stew) and not even very good porridge at that. Did they throw in some menthol cigarettes, some Colt 5 malt liquor and some watermelon and fried chicken (Popeye’s) as well as an extra incentive to get multiple death jabs?


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