[Video] SCOTUS Staffer Overheard Roberts, “I Don’t Give a Sh*t About Bush/Gore, We Didn’t Have Riots Then” – IOTW Report

[Video] SCOTUS Staffer Overheard Roberts, “I Don’t Give a Sh*t About Bush/Gore, We Didn’t Have Riots Then”


“I don’t give a #@&^ about ‘Bush v. Gore’… at that time we didn’t have RIOTS!” A staffer “heard *SCREAMING* through the walls as Justice Roberts & other liberal Justices were insisting this case *NOT* be taken up…” Wonder why Texas’ case was dropped? Here’s why:

27 Comments on [Video] SCOTUS Staffer Overheard Roberts, “I Don’t Give a Sh*t About Bush/Gore, We Didn’t Have Riots Then”

  1. “Morally and economically, the welfare state creates an ever accelerating downward pull. Morally, the chance to satisfy demands by force spreads the demands wider and wider, with less and less pretense at justification. Economically, the forced demands of one group create hardships for all others, thus producing an inextricable mixture of actual victims and plain parasites.” -Ayn Rand on the Welfare State

  2. The issue is that Roberts is not doing his job.
    If the SCOTUS won’t get involved with the most critical thing in our “democracy”, a disputed election that determines the Chief Executive, then how can they possibly justify their existence. By ruling on trivial things?

    Even rulings defining marriage are TRIVIAL compared to the legitimacy of The President, who will command the military, EXECUTE the nation’s laws, and stand as a foil to the failures of the Executive and Judicial Branches, as we witness routinely these days.

  3. These sniveling cowards on the Supreme Court will live their betrayal over and over again in their minds for the rest of their lives. We needed heroes and instead got a bunch of backstabbing weasels.

  4. Caving to Domestic Terrorists.
    Fuck You Roberts you screaming pussy!
    To kinda quote Charley Waite: “Well you may not know this yer dishonor, but there’s things that gnaw at a man worse than rioting.”

  5. It’s because of spineless acts of people like Roberts that we have riots.

    Thanks to the rulings of the “Roberts” court, the riots will no doubt subside and we can move on to full blown civil war.

  6. This reeks of “sources close to the matter”, and it looks like the John Roberts on Pedo Island is somebody else. I don’t kniw what is up with Lin Wood right now.

    Has “A staffer” been identified or come forward to back up the claim, or even deny the claim? Not buying into this one just yet. And yes, I’m the guy who thought Hunter’s laptop was a setup at first, so may e I’m just as wrong about this one. But I still am hung up on Lin Wood telling GA Republicans to boycott the runoff.

  7. they are saying it was a conference call and building is empty. So likely fake news. Not falling into what the left does all the time just because “it sounds true even if not factual” ala Dan Rather

  8. It was pointed out that — while this story sounds great — it probably ain’t true, as the Justices supposedly haven’t met in person in months due to Coronavirus.

  9. @ Hilda Matilda

    Roberts doesn’t have to step down. When he gets done tying that hemp necktie he’s trying out, someone will be glad to kick out the chair under him.

  10. For those talking secession: Secede from what exactly? It impresses me that since the Constitution is the document that defines the Republic. And since the SCOTUS has collectively and unilaterally determined that the Constitution is a “living document.” Doesn’t it naturally follow that in their opinion, there is no longer anything to secede from. There is nothing they can point back to that clearly defines the ever changing undefined Nation State and as such there no longer is any obligation on any State’s part to remain part of some nebulous, ever changing, undefined social experiment.

  11. From what I read, this is made up.
    The building is closed.
    The hearings are done virtually.
    Not defending that POS Roberts, but if this happened, it did not happen in that building.

  12. The riots aren’t going to stop. The only way they’re going to stop is when enough of them stop breathing or are locked up. Neither seems likely in Regressive Lands. That’s how committed they are to destroying the country and western civilization.

    Looks like we are in the first stages of the end times.

    I hurt for the young ones. People like me won’t be around long enough to see the worst of it. Probably die fighting it. At least I may have a chance at taking some of the bastards with me. They’ll be going to hell while I’ll be headed in the other direction. This is but a temporary stage of existence and they know not what is in store for them even though they’ve been told.


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