Video Shows 25 Straight Minutes Of Illegal Aliens Crossing Into US Through Arizona Ranch – IOTW Report

Video Shows 25 Straight Minutes Of Illegal Aliens Crossing Into US Through Arizona Ranch

DC: Arizona rancher John Chilton’s 50,000-acre spread along the U.S.-Mexico border is allegedly ground zero for human smugglers, drug cartel members and illegal immigrants, and he has videos showing trespassers sneaking through his property.

A fifth-generation cattleman, the 79-year-old Chilton has long warned the government about the dangers of leaving lengthy stretches of the southwest border secured by nothing more than a barbed wire fence. To prove his point, he set up surveillance cameras throughout his property to document the comings and goings of trespassers from south of the border.

Chilton shared hours of video footage with Daily Caller News Foundation reporters, who are in Arizona to document life and crime in the southwest borderlands. Tim Foley, the founder of Arizona Border Recon, also shared his group’s surveillance footage with TheDCNF.  WATCH

22 Comments on Video Shows 25 Straight Minutes Of Illegal Aliens Crossing Into US Through Arizona Ranch

  1. Now, that’s what I call a target rich environment….

    They are invaders and they are breaking U.S. law, pure and simple. There should be shoot on sight rules of engagement, then we wouldn’t need a border wall.

  2. Lazlo’s two drone method will work to stop this.
    Big drone spots their heat signature, paints the trespassers with a laser for the second drone.
    Second drone ‘crop dusts’ the offenders with a DARPA cocktail of insect mating pheromones, and attractants.
    In less than ten minutes: Every bee, wasp, spider, bug and creepy crawly within several square miles will find their company desirable

  3. Alert the Arizona national guard.
    Bring in the air force. Send in the Army
    and the marines.Bring in full regiments of
    national guard from 49 states.Hire 5000 more BP
    agents and 10,000 ICE agents.Deputize any able body
    man in Arizona with a rifle.Ladies,gentleman and fellow
    citizens,we are under ATTACK!

  4. This is so maddening it’s I can’t stand it. Just like I said in an earlier post, build the wall, shoot the invaders on sight! Trials? We don’t need no stinking trials! It’s the Castle Doctrine.

  5. I’m certain if a bunch of us were to be deputized we would cause a lot of this shit to slow down, if not stop. In fact I would quit my job, oh yeah, I don’t have a job, but if I had one, I would quit and head down to the border.

  6. Focus the anger on scumbags like Paul Ryan and the rest of the gang that refuse to do anything to stop this.
    Big business is buying the politicians and they in turn refuse to budge on action. For every 100 or so there are probably 4-5 that are employable and the rest become burdens on the taxpayer.
    The problem is easily solvable but those allowing it to continue hide behind laws and we can’t get at them.
    If we had just a one day free pass to deal with these politicians things would straighten out quick.

  7. “The McCain Trail”
    It’s on the Chilton Ranch.

    @ CC – thanks! I’m really glad to see Texas has upped their game. I used to watch distant live feed cameras set up by what were basically digital Minutemen when I lived there over a decade ago, but the only option for reporting was to pick up the phone and call in to the local jurisdiction. The BlueServo setup looks pretty good.


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