Video shows a man who rigged a flash bang in his truck to deter car burglars. Gov’t upset – IOTW Report

Video shows a man who rigged a flash bang in his truck to deter car burglars. Gov’t upset

Wild video: NOPD urges residents not to take matters into their own hands after video shows a man who rigged a flash bang in his truck to deter car burglars. WATCH

Look what they drove up in. LOL!

19 Comments on Video shows a man who rigged a flash bang in his truck to deter car burglars. Gov’t upset

  1. How about if NOPD and the courts actually do their jobs to fight crime and hand out justice? Then people won’t have to “…take matters into their own hands…”

  2. Our evil stupid rulers forget, the penal system and policing are there as much to protect the criminals from the public as to protect the public from the criminals. Once the public figures out we are on our own the multitudinous forms of self defense and retribution will, like in this video, begin to appear.

    A twelve gauge shotgun shell seats neatly in a standard bicycle handlebar, for instance. Falling block construction?

  3. Whaddaya wanna bet that if that S.O.B. had been injured by the flash bang, he’d be suing the vehicle owner for injuries and emotional distress, and the D.A. would be prosecuting the owner for a hate crime — and that both juries would be stupid enough to go along with both?

  4. Anyone who has a problem with this can suck my ass and fuck the fuck off.

    I’m telling you straight up I could end this shit yesterday. Make it that anyone who is a victim of any theft can deduct 100% of their loss from any and all of their local tax bills and it caries forward until full compensation is met and that includes reimbursement to their insurance underwriters. The fucking bullshit would stop cold.

  5. “We cannot defend. We can only apprehend.”
    DC Police Chief.

    All cops know this. And they want to take away your abilities to defend yourselves to make you more subservient to the State. The cops urge the citizenry NOT to take matters into their own hands because doing so will give them (the citizens) a greater appreciation of their own power – and that is dangerous to the State organs whose existence depends on extorting money (and a lot of that through lies about “education” and “civil order”) from those it suppresses.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. These cops with their “Don’t take matters into your own hands” Bullshit.
    Like in the annals of time there has ever been a cop around when you need one.
    Some people try to make up for societies shortcomings; sometimes the solution to shortcomings can be rather harsh. And personal.

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