Video shows children in Texas taking oath to be ‘martyrs’ for Iran’s supreme leader – IOTW Report

Video shows children in Texas taking oath to be ‘martyrs’ for Iran’s supreme leader


A video of kids at an Islamic center in Houston, Texas pledging their allegiance to the supreme leader of Iran is setting off alarm bells among experts, who are warning this has all the signs of the Iranian regime’s global indoctrination efforts to spread its revolutionary ideology and recruit operatives abroad.

The viral video was initially posted to YouTube and Facebook last week by the Islamic Education Center of Houston (IEC), which organized the event calling on parents to bring children aged 4-14, according to its social media pages. The original video posts were later removed, but clips remain online.

At the gathering, a large group of children sang “Salam Farmande,” meaning “Hello Commander,” in both English and Persian. The song is a new and popular Iranian children’s anthem pledging allegiance to al Mahdi, a messianic figure in Shia Islam, the religion of Iran’s theocratic government.

The religious anthem is also a pledge of support to Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, whom devotees consider the Mahdi’s representative on earth until the messiah returns.

“Seyed Ali is calling on his children, his soldiers, who were born in the 2010s,” the children sang in Houston, using Khamenei’s first name (Ali) and honorific title (Seyed). “In spite of my age, I will be your army’s commander … Don’t look at my young age. May my father and mother be sacrificed for you. I will sacrifice everything for you.” more here

13 Comments on Video shows children in Texas taking oath to be ‘martyrs’ for Iran’s supreme leader

  1. Gee, the pet rats aren’t pets anymore.
    This Satanic cult needs to be eradicated.

    They teach their children to sacrifice themselves and their parents for Satan while we teach ours that men are women and women are men and how to suck each others’ genitalia and lick each others’ assholes while hiding in their safe spaces.

    Seems a bit out of balance, to me – but then, I’m just a retired plumber.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Our company had a hub site out in the stix next to a muzlim school.
    When we showed up for maintenance, they would usher the kids inside so that we wouldn’t see their militant outside exercises. This was a good ten years ago!


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