Video shows reinstated TN State Rep Justin Jones stopping cars and assaulting drivers in summer of 2020 – IOTW Report

Video shows reinstated TN State Rep Justin Jones stopping cars and assaulting drivers in summer of 2020

PM: Footage has been unearthed of disgraced Tennessee state representative Justin Jones stopping cars and assaulting drivers during summer protests outside of the state Capitol in 2020.

Jones had claimed at the time that the narrative that he was violent was false.

The footage proves otherwise.

“They will try to push a false narrative portraying me as “violent” as a way to deflect from their own actions. They will suggest that I am out of order. That is their strategy. However, I’m hopeful for the chance to present our evidence in a transparent manner.” Jones tweeted.

Local blog Scoop Nashville featured the violent footage in 2021, writing:

“In June of 2020, Justin Bautista-Jones, better known as ‘Brother Jones’ locally, was one of the publicly visible (often by design) protestors at the State Capitol. He received a lot of pushback from his own community after it was discovered he was often only making appearances when he knew there would be media coverage, and eventually had a falling out with one of the other most visible female members of the group. more

12 Comments on Video shows reinstated TN State Rep Justin Jones stopping cars and assaulting drivers in summer of 2020

  1. So, the mug shot shows he had dark brown loosely-curled hair but the videos of him doing his MLK impersonation shows him with a big bouncy black afro. Seems to me that his public persona is evolving. He is an avatar, a fake, a phony. He is, in a word, a politician.

    AOC has been trying out an urban black persona. Is an afro in her future? The Dems will be hitting reparations hard this election cycle, so many of them will be identifying as black to show solidarity.

  2. I just saw a tweet:
    There is 1 silent K in knife.
    There are 4 silent Ks in knick-knack.
    And 3 silent Ks in Democrat Party.
    They’re all still there, just unspoken.

  3. “They will try to push a false narrative portraying me as “violent” as a way to deflect…”

    They???? I’m confused… Is he being prosecuted by Sam Brinston?

  4. No worries ACP.
    You are right on the money, as far as politicians being politicians.
    And AOC’s “code switching” is very cringe worthy.
    These idiots take pandering to an absurd degree.

  5. If you block traffic like that:

    $10,000 fine
    6 month jail
    2 years probation

    But up here, they charge the driver and the cops drink coffee watching.

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