Video Shows the Moment Trump Is Moved by Retiring Officer Offering His Badge – IOTW Report

Video Shows the Moment Trump Is Moved by Retiring Officer Offering His Badge


It is no question that President Donald Trump has had our law enforcement’s back in the face of anti-police rhetoric from the radical left.

The extreme cynicism toward police officers peddled by the mainstream media, alongside movements like Black Lives Matter, and the incessant call for de-funding the police have resulted in countless riots and violence against our communities and local police officers since May.

But Trump has emphasized time and time again the importance of law and order and supporting those enforcing the law who tirelessly and selflessly work to preserve order in our communities.

And it looks like the feeling is mutual.

10 Comments on Video Shows the Moment Trump Is Moved by Retiring Officer Offering His Badge

  1. Very cool.

    Imagine when he sits down in Air Force One and is given that and puts it INTO his inside jacket pocket.

    He’ll take it ‘home’, like a personal momento…an heirloom of sorts…

  2. That really is an amazing gift; I can’t think of anyone else to whom I would give my badge except my son. My department let me keep my badge, complete with my badge number, but only if I let them have it encased in what I think is lucite or plexiglas. I was glad to have it and I think my son will treasure it someday.

  3. …you really need to understand how much honor for our POTUS is behind that.

    I was allowed to keep my badge when I separated from my department due to my length of service and circumstances of discharge, and it’s a thing of value to me, not because of what it is (it’s nicely done but a bit “busy” in the center with all the fire symbols they cast into it that raised it so bad that it was uncomfortable to wallet carry), but because of what it represents.

    I wasn’t just HANDED a badge because my application was accepted. I had to EARN it, with stints in hospitals, long nights of study, even longer nights of anxious standby; endless stretches of boredom punctuated by sudden moments of sheer terror and stark horror; doing scut puppy drudgery for the REAL firefighters, polishing trucks, cleaning axes, lining up boots; proving I could be counted on to go into danger time and again and not leave my partners hanging, and actually being able to do something USEFUL while I was there.

    It took awhile to get to where I was worthy of it, many times many hours of very literal blood, sweat, and tears.

    And it was a highlight of my life and an honor to my parents when I was called to City Hall in an open Council session with my cohort and sworn to service, gave my oath, and that badge was pinned on my chest by my Chief in front of God and everybody. And it drove me even harder to remain worthy of it, to honor that oath to God and country, to display it and all that stood behind it on fire grounds and accident scenes in diverse places as it stood not only for me, but for all that went before me, served alongside me, and would pick up the mantle after me.

    And for those reasons and others, it is precious to me, because of all I did to earn it and all that God helped me to do while wearing it. It’s not a thing I would surrender lightly to any man, as it is literally irreplaceable to me.

    And I would imagine this officer felt the same way about his. How long did he spend earing it, what dangers did he face wearing it, how many stories of respect, of hatred, of relief, and of sudden violence did he experience when he revealed it in the course of his sworn duty does it hold for him, what dangers did he face behind it, what fraternity did it confer when in company with his fellow officers?

    THAT is what he was offering to our President. Not an insignificant, embossed, enameled piece of tin that you could purchase at a flea market, but the symbol of his entire career in law enforcement even as he arrived at the end of it. He was offering our President his lifetime of service to the one man in Government who actually seems to appreciate it, who can respect it, and who is not so great even as the most powerful man in the world that he is not himself awed by such respect and honor being given to him by an honorable man.

    It is said the praise of the praiseworthy is beyond price, and that officer is praiseworthy indeed to have survived his career and honored his oath in a day and age that respects neither, in completing a truly thankless job.

    That such a man chose to honor our President by giving him his personal symbol of sacrifice and the honor of his entire department speaks volumes to the esteem that law enforcement holds Donald Trump in.

    And that the President of the United States received it shows that he is worthy of that esteem indeed.

    God Bless that officer.

    God Bless our President.

    And God Bless the America that He has already blessed with both of them.

    That such men still exist in our fallen times shows that He has indeed not abandoned us to evil.

    May they prove to be sufficient.

    And with His help and grace, they WILL be.


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