VIDEO : Trump Flash Mob Breaks Out in Front Of “HAMILTON” Theatre – IOTW Report

VIDEO : Trump Flash Mob Breaks Out in Front Of “HAMILTON” Theatre

Trump supporters gathered in front of the “Hamilton” theatre to show their love and support for Trump and Pence after the cast of the show treated Vice President Pence disrespectfully.


7 Comments on VIDEO : Trump Flash Mob Breaks Out in Front Of “HAMILTON” Theatre

  1. The whole concept of this Hamilton is pathetic.
    Whiny black playwrights try to ‘Blackify’ the founding of the country and make their ‘culture’ relevant.
    Is a ‘mashup’ of History and ‘black culture’ valuable? To whom? Limousine liberals?
    Rap and Hip-Hop are inherently racist and promote racist, misogynist viewpoints and glorifies the oppression and objectification of women, the lawlessness of thug life, and promotes the dissolution of American and Family values.
    Pathetic black ‘visionaries’ are addicted to speaking ‘truth to power’ which is racist on its face as minorities are coddled in this country do a shocking degree.
    The New Black tactic is to shame Whites in public, relying on the White social norm of ‘civil behavior’ to protect them from violence. Just like a toddler sticking his tongue out from behind mama’s skirt.
    If the accepted norm was to kick the living shit out of people who pulled this crap (like blacks interrupting brunches and castigating white patrons) they wouldn’t be so cocky.
    The premise of the play is stupid
    The actors are stupid
    Pence acted a gentleman.
    Lazlo would not have.
    Lazlo would have sent his loyal minions up on stage to hand out some Hickory Shampoos, and to kick over the sets and throw the chunks into the audience.

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