Video: White Liberals Apologize For Slavery by Kissing Boots of Black Power Group Members – IOTW Report

Video: White Liberals Apologize For Slavery by Kissing Boots of Black Power Group Members


Summit News: A video shows a white couple bending down and kissing the boots of black power group members to apologize for slavery.

Yes, really.

The activist members appear to be from the Black Hebrew Israelites, an organization labeled an extremist hate group by some because of its inherent anti-white and anti-Semitic racism.

Two people who had expressed an affinity with the group were responsible for the December 2019 attack on a JC Kosher Supermarket in Jersey City, New Jersey which left four people dead.

The clip shows the leader of the group placing his black boot on top of a speaker before a white man bends down to kiss it followed by a blonde woman who is presumably his partner. more here

13 Comments on Video: White Liberals Apologize For Slavery by Kissing Boots of Black Power Group Members

  1. Let’s go over this again.

    …no native born Black person alive in the United States today ever WAS a slave.

    …no White person alive in the United States today ever OWNED a slave.

    I am not guily of anything just because my hue is allegedly close to that of some of the VERY FEW White people in America who DID own slaves. My ancestors were in Europe then, and didn’t come over until much later, just in time to get in on being persecuted as German and Irish immigrants.

    I owe you NOTHING.


    …but if you want to take it out on SOMEONE, 100% of slave owners were Democrats. Go see THEM abot it.

    No Republican EVER owned a slave.
    THEY owe you nothing.

    …BUT, if you REALLY feel that strongly about slavery, Black people and Muslims still practice it ALL OVER THE WORLD, including in Muslim enclaves RIGHT HERE AND NOW. Go end THAT, if you will.

    …just leave the ONLY country to fight a WAR with ITSELF to end it, alone about it.

    We’ve already paid the debt in full.

    With blood.

    …I’ve seen the grave of my wife’s greatsomething uncle in the Civil War section of a very large cemetary here in town. HE never owned a slave, but he gave his LIFE to take them away from Democrats.

    And he’s not ALONE there, either. It’s a LARGE section, and VERY well populated.

    Our debt is PAID.

    …our receipts are written in stone on EVERY ONE of those markers.

    Go see them.

    Then shut the hell up.

  2. So does this mean that Obama only has to kiss one boot being he’s half black?
    But oh wait, the Kenyans were slave traders before we became the United States so I guess he better kiss all of the boots to be on the safe side.

  3. The slave trade is stronger than ever in the world with muslims, south americans, middle easterners, europeans and asians but nobody wants to talk about it. Where’s the useless UN? Oh that’s right, they’re benefactors.

  4. The first registered slave owner
    in America was a black man.I think he
    had 650 slaves.The British navy was responsible
    for ending much of the slave trade around the world.
    The white race has given us many inventions that
    lifted up all peoples of the world.Hock a slimy
    green lunger on that savages boot and tell him
    to GET A JOB!

  5. I am a 5th cousin 4 times removed from Abraham Lincoln. I have ancestors who fought for the Union, were vocal abolitionists, and hid escaped slaves on their way to Canada. I have nothing to apologize for.


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