Vietnam Deploys Submarines to Scare Off China in South China Sea – IOTW Report

Vietnam Deploys Submarines to Scare Off China in South China Sea

vietnam threatens china

Breitbart: Vietnam is preparing to deploy the first of six Kilo-class submarines purchased from Russia into the South China Sea, as a deterrent to China’s seemingly endless expansionism in the region.

The Sydney Morning Herald reports that at least one of the submarines has “begun patrolling disputed waters of the South China Sea, as deterrents to China’s 10 times-bigger navy,” citing Vietnamese officials. Vietnam has only received fix of the submarines from Russia so far, the sixth scheduled to arrive in early 2016. The news of a Vietnamese buildup in the Cam Ranh Bay, where all six submarines are scheduled to make their home, comes at the tail end of a week in which China has made at least three landings on manmade islands in the Spratly archipelago, prompting severe criticism from Vietnam and the Philippines. Both contest the Spratly Islands, while China claims most of the South China Sea to be its sovereign territory.  more

15 Comments on Vietnam Deploys Submarines to Scare Off China in South China Sea

  1. The smell of nuoc mam (fish sauce) in the close confines of a nasty old Russian sub would gag a maggot. Maybe they will project that odor through the water and literally gross out the Chi-Coms.

  2. Diesel powered subs are sneaky.

    They are quieter than a nuclear powered sub, and lack the thermal signature. After you shut down a nuclear reactor you have to keep cooling them for many days that requires running pumps, and outputs hot water into the sea.

    You can shut off everything on a diesel boat. And be completely quiet. Only running one electric motor to drive the screw if you need to move the boat. However, diesel boats lack the range of a nuclear powered boat, and need to surface or go to snorkel depth to run the diesel engine to recharge the batteries.

  3. nuoc mam is a stir fry dipping sauce that USES fish sauce….I have some Lao friends that not only shot at the VC, LPRP ,but any plane that flew over… Americans?….sure, they weren’t supposed to be there….and they were 12 year old boys…..they are some damn fine Americans now…they love this country, love the freedom and their kids are damn fine students and human beings… if you ever went to one of their barbecues and combined their eatin’ with Texas barbecue…well. I’ll tell ya what….your tongue would slap your brain silly….

  4. I think you may have missed the point. No Jake Brake noise when submerged deep because the diesel engine is not running. .

    The diesel engine can only be running when submerged at snorkel depth, about 60 ft, with the snorkel extended above the water surface to take in combustion air.

    Below that depth it’s only battery power to the electric motor that turns the boat screw (propeller). And if not making turns. The boat is very quiet. No screw noise, no electric noise to be picked up. Also no noise from florescent lights that emit electric noise that can be picked up by passive sonar. Get below a thermal layer of water between the sub and someone searching for it, and it’s even difficult for active sonar to locate it accurately.

    However, it’s also possible to use tricks with Doppler shift of the ac frequency of the emitted electric noise to evade an enemy stalker.

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