Viganò Rips Big Pharma, Deep Church Cabal – IOTW Report

Viganò Rips Big Pharma, Deep Church Cabal


by Abp. Carlo Maria Viganò
As was foreseeable, my open Letter to the President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and to the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith about the moral liceity, effectiveness and dangerous nature of the experimental gene serums (which are supposedly vaccines against COVID) received no response. This shows that the question I have raised is not considered relevant by either the American episcopate or the former Holy Office — or perhaps that, precisely because of its importance, it has been decided to ignore it following the official narrative embraced by the Vatican.

he multiple Vatican endorsements of the criminal mass-vaccine campaign confirm the full adherence of the hierarchy to the globalist vulgate, without taking even the slightest account of the serious critiques of the so-called vaccines (in terms of their production as well as their demonstrated ineffectiveness, the weakness of the immune system that they induce and, finally, the serious side effects they entail). 

Prelates who betray their mandate, who are almost always just as corrupt in doctrine as they are in morals, have occupied the Church of Christ in order to transform Her into a State church, a zealous servant of the New World Order and apostate in its faith.

What was an infiltration up until a few decades ago has been transformed into a true and proper invasion — in all of the Roman dicasteries and in the peripheral organs of the Holy See.

The Pontifical Academy for Life is no exception. It has become an organ of neo-Malthusianism, even to the point of declaring that subjecting oneself to inoculation with the experimental drug is an act of love and a moral duty, incontrovertibly denying not only the evidence of the facts but also the existence of a global plan that has deliberately caused this psycho-pandemic in order to bring about a ruthless reduction of the world population (especially the elderly) and impose forms of control and restriction of the natural rights of citizens.

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8 Comments on Viganò Rips Big Pharma, Deep Church Cabal

  1. What is truly amazing is that, with all the data, statistics, real scientific information and deaths associated with the vaccine, people keep lining up to take them. And, the leadership of many countries continue to push and demand, in some cases, that their citizens take them. Taking into consideration that governments have absolved themselves and companies producing the vaccines from all liability and they have proven to be ineffective and dangerous, should be concerning to any thinking individual. Being ineffective and dangerous, why continue with them if there aren’t ulterior motives of government and corporations? Unfortunately, many do not think for themselves or think at all. This entire thing will be viewed historically as a vile and intentional attempt by governments to do great harm to their citizens.

  2. My faith in every institution has been challenged in the past few years. I hang on to the last thread of goodness I can find in them because of rare individual clerics, professors, politicians, and doctors who hold to natural law and eternal truths.

    I believe Archbishop Viganò is a man of integrity and courage and I am sorry to say I believe he is right in his conclusions. Were it not for his calling out lies and complicity a few years ago, Theodore McCarrick and Donald Wuerl would still be wielding power in Washington, DC. Let us hope Viganò’s latest letter has the same effect on its targets.

  3. It will always be known in infamy that Big Pharma is an evil entity intent on lying to the people of the world while engaging in humanity’s extermination. Churches are evil empires, all housing the false elect and false prophets, a sinister and malignant organized and corporate agency which will soon see its own end, and not in a good way.

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