Violence Breaks Out in Molenbeek After Paris Suspect’s Arrest – IOTW Report

Violence Breaks Out in Molenbeek After Paris Suspect’s Arrest

IPT: The most wanted terrorist in Europe, considered the mastermind in November’s multi-targeted attack in Paris that left 130 people dead, was arrested Friday by Belgian authorities.

But residents in the Molenbeek district of Brussels, where Saleh Abdeslam was captured, didn’t breathe a sigh of relief. Within hours, the district, which has a majority Muslim population, erupted into riots. Dozens of Abdeslam’s fans attacked police with bottles, stones, and other objects, local press reported, angered by the arrest of their “hero.”  MORE


18 Comments on Violence Breaks Out in Molenbeek After Paris Suspect’s Arrest

  1. What leftist politicians don’t get is that you cannot allow immigrants into your country without requiring that they abide by your rules. If you want to immigrate to Belgium on a permanent basis, you had better by willing to be Belgian. If you want to immigrate to the United States, you had better be willing to be an American. If Whoopie Goldberg wants to immigrate to Canda, she had best be willing to turn Canadian. Otherwise you are condoning an invasion – not immigration.

    Uh, actually I don’t care if leftist celebrities refuse to become Canadian so long as they actually leave and don’t come back. But I digress. The point is that people immigrate from their home country for a reason, and that reason is that their home country is so screwed up that they can’t live there anymore. So it makes zero sense for anyone – government officials, host citizens, or immigrants – to import and condone the same kind of system that led to the immigrants leaving in the first place.

    The last I checked, the lines for applying for immigration status to middle east nations, Cuba or Venezuela were very short – I couldn’t even find Michael Moore filling out the paperwork to immigrate to his socialist utopia. So if you want to live in a hell hole, there are plenty of those that exist and we don’t need to import them here.

  2. How about we just admit that the 50 years of Multicultural Nonsense is a big pile of crap, and cut our losses and consign those who will not be civilized to the outer lands and only mess with them when we need to test the engines of war

  3. Anybody notice how obama signed an executive order extending his protection by the secret svc. after he leaves office? Wonder who he’s afraid of, besides Sasquatch?

  4. They are your enemies, but they are doing you a favor by making it easy to see which ones need to be taken off the streets first.

    But don’t stop there, islam is like a cancer — you have to eradicate the whole thing or it will come back and kill you.

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