“My home was attacked last night — windows broken, spray paint, really bad words spray painted everywhere. I’m a trial lawyer and I represent people’s interests in court. That’s what I do. I love doing it. And I’m disappointed that that is the result of just me doing my job.” more

If some of these punks were simply shot in the face it may dampen this typical leftist tactic.
Just sayin’…
He is a smart guy, impresses me a really decent man, but awfully naïve. He is getting an education the hard way.
Force must be met with superior force.
Violence with superior violence.
It’s the only thing they’ll understand.
izlamo delenda est …
They are just like the primates that throw their shit at people!
When I saw video of his response to the leftist bullies I kept thinking about Ranse Stoddard, the Jimmy Stewart character in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.
Actually there are a hell of a lot of westerns that illustrate what happens when the citizenry is cowed by a bunch of bullies that are 100% applicable to what is going on today. It is only by intervention by a truly masculine man that respect for Life, Liberty and Happiness is restored.
This was back in the days that Hollywood was interested in justice as defined by almost 2,000 years of Christian thought.
Hope the blood stains come out, from where he SHOT THE BASTARDS! 😡
That’d be MY only concern; YMMV.
Nancy Pelosi incited this mob to violence. She must be impeached.
May the Phithadelphia jokes begin…..
FMI, can someone tell me what part of our USA has not been ruined by stupid, self-destructive leftists ?
‘Cause I’m not seeing any.
@ Doc FEBRUARY 15, 2021 AT 11:08 AM
Primates are not motivated by envy and a desire for retribution against a God that they believe has denied them every thing they think God has allowed others they believe they are superior to. It is diabolical narcissism and as such to equate them with animals is an injustice to animals. Yes they are subhuman, but they have, of their own free will, descended to something other than animals. Servants of Satan and enemies of The Good is more likely than not what they have made of themselves.
Sympathy for their suffering is absolutely out of the question, pity is all but impossible at this point given their motivation to increase innocent human suffering, misery and death, indifference to their suffering is the best I have to offer them. It is all I can do not to wish them well in their drive toward suffering for all eternity on them.
it’s them or us.
no two ways about it.
they will not let you live in peace.
they want you dead.
how are we supposed to unite with that?
This is how stupid the left are. This lawyer brought proof that the Dems falsified their so call evidence. Now if you were ever brought to trial would you like the idea that a prosecuterncould file false evidence to try to convict you? If you have any brains you should be requesting that the Dems trying to use evidence they tainted should be charged for their crimes.
JD, they’re all miserable on the inside.
And you know what misery loves.
They can’t stand to see people genuinely happy with their lives. The joyous people have kept with their discipline- stuck to their will and created a great life for themselves- attempting to change what they perceive as not up to their own plan. So, they seek out joy.
Lefty Marxists hate that free will because they’re too lazy and are resigned to be a “victim” of this world.
I know plenty of them.
All they can seem to blurt out is …”ha. must be nice.”
I have no time for these victims.
@ woody FEBRUARY 15, 2021 AT 12:35 PM
True that. I have posted here many times how my relatives who practice medicine in Portland and Seattle have had discussions that I listened in on regarding how the vast majority of patients they are treating (like 95+% of which) have conditions that are a direct result of, or are severely exacerbated by years, if not decades, of taking antidepressant drugs.
More miserable sonsabitches than Seattle/Portland leftists you will never find. They are pure poison, motivated by envy and dedicated to seeking retribution for everything they feel cheated out of. What they cannot get their mind around is that it is their own thoughts and behavior that is making them miserable.