Virgin Galactic test flight scheduled to launch this fall – IOTW Report

Virgin Galactic test flight scheduled to launch this fall

Yeah, OK. lol


ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The president of Virgin Galactic gave state lawmakers an update Monday on the company’s progress toward commercial spaceflight.

Virgin Galactic President Mike Moses said the first test space flight from Spaceport America will happen sometime this fall, which is the final step before taking paying customers into space.

“Pretty big milestone. New Mexico will join California and Florida as only the third state in the U.S. to host human spaceflight missions and send people into space,” he said.

Moses told lawmakers that Virgin Galactic has implemented COVID precautions in order to move forward safely. read more

5 Comments on Virgin Galactic test flight scheduled to launch this fall

  1. CA has never hosted any human space flights. CA has participated as an auxiliary (supporting role) for human space flights, mostly for the STS missions. TX is closer than CA to actually being primary director to human space flights.

    (I’m in CA. I have no ties to TX.)

  2. I’d rather plan a trip to Kansas to visit “The Worlds Largest Ball of Twine” for my vacation.

    {Although being incinerated in the upper atmosphere sounds like the adventure of a lifetime!}


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