Virginia Delegate Candidate Tim Griffin Doesn’t Have an Address, ‘Essentially Homeless’ – IOTW Report

Virginia Delegate Candidate Tim Griffin Doesn’t Have an Address, ‘Essentially Homeless’

National File:

GOP candidate for the Virginia House of Delegates, Tim Griffin was described by a Lynchburg Circuit Court judge as “essentially homeless” when his attorney struggled to explain where Griffin actually lives, causing the judge to question whether or not he even lives in Virginia and warn that Griffin could be committing voter fraud, among other crimes.

Tim Griffin, whose running for the GOP nomination to the Virginia House of Delegates in the 53rd District, which includes portions of Bedford, Amherst, and Nelson Counties, was called out by a Lynchburg Circuit Court Judge for being “essentially homeless” when his attorney appeared in the court on his behalf in 2021, as part of a custody matter. MORE

6 Comments on Virginia Delegate Candidate Tim Griffin Doesn’t Have an Address, ‘Essentially Homeless’

  1. Crawling out of the woodwork – a sure sign of decay.

    That puke “republican” from NY City and now this – either a fukkin hobo or some clown trying to pull one over on the court – like Al Sharpton – who doesn’t even own his own suits.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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