Virginia Democrat Running For Congress Indicted For Fraud And Embezzlement – IOTW Report

Virginia Democrat Running For Congress Indicted For Fraud And Embezzlement

Daily Caller: A Democrat running for a Virginia seat in the U.S. House of Representatives was charged with fraud, embezzlement and theft in relation to payments made to a nonprofit in 2012.

Shaun Brown, 58, appeared in front of a judge Friday and claimed all charges that have been brought against her were false. Brown also said she is going to continue to fight the charges until they are all dropped, Fox News reported Monday.

Brown reportedly received $803,000 from a nonprofit organization she created. The money was said to be for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Summer Food Service Program. Prosecutors have said they believe Brown received that money by filing false reimbursement claims with the Virginia Department of Health.  more here

20 Comments on Virginia Democrat Running For Congress Indicted For Fraud And Embezzlement

  1. Isn’t the term honest democrat an oxymoron? And can anyone name the last honest democrat, Harry Truman might qualify with some reservations. Personally I think he was an honest man, the democrat party which he represented wasn’t.

  2. Florida’s former US Rep. Corrine Brown is spending 5 years in prison for the same type of charity scam. She screwed children out of over $800,000 too. I’m seeing a trend.

  3. Ha ha ha!

    And the media knew nothing?
    They only pull the Sgt. Schultz routine with socialists – ever notice that?

    I’m shocked! Shocked I tells ya! A corrupt Demonrat? Yeah, color me shocked.
    (ya … Capt. Renault, not Sgt. Schultz … so sue me)

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. She embezzeled it alright, straight down her fat piehole, literally stole food from the mouths of poor black children. Probably ate Al Shart too.

    She could team with Kermit Gosnell for black baby sushi takeout franchises.

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