Virginia: Democrat Terry McAuliffe says parents concerned about CRT are racist – IOTW Report

Virginia: Democrat Terry McAuliffe says parents concerned about CRT are racist

Virginia Democrat Terry McAuliffe suggests parents concerned about Critical Race Theory are racist, then refuses to define CRT. WATCH

15 Comments on Virginia: Democrat Terry McAuliffe says parents concerned about CRT are racist

  1. Black folks are against CRT because they want their kid’s achievements to be earned, not given. They also understand that an effective maturation process involves cooperation, sharing, and practicing empathy. CRT fosters none of these, it erects barriers between races, creates suspicions, and rewards favoritism instead of meritocracy.

  2. Democrats of yesteryear: Do it FOR the children. (How could squishy Republicans object to that, eh?)

    Democrats of today: Do it TO the children. (And many Republicans are onboard with it and even if they’re not, they can’t stop it now.)

  3. “We’re wasting precious time here”….”…trying to pin me down on an answer that I’m not going to give. Now, can we please move on? I have fear mongering that I want to frighten the brain dead sheep with. That’s my base doncha know…”

  4. Curious that nobody’s sent him back to Hell.
    Virginia sure isn’t the Virginia of the 1850s.
    I guess all the men were either killed or migrated by 1865.
    No breeding stock.

    izlamo delenda est …

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