Virginia Dems Cave on Confiscation as 2A Sanctuaries Expand – IOTW Report

Virginia Dems Cave on Confiscation as 2A Sanctuaries Expand

WFB: Virginia Democratic leaders abandoned their gun confiscation proposal Monday following a grassroots outpouring of opposition to gun control across the state.

Governor Ralph Northam (D.) and incoming Senate majority leader Dick Saslaw (D.) said they will no longer pursue their marquee plan to ban the possession of “assault weapons.” Instead, they will include a provision to allow Virginians to keep the firearms they already own. The reversal comes before the newly elected Democratic majority has even been sworn in, after a majority of the state’s counties declared themselves “Second Amendment sanctuaries.” read more

22 Comments on Virginia Dems Cave on Confiscation as 2A Sanctuaries Expand

  1. The haven’t abandoned the idea. they’re just going to develop a new approach to it.

    When Leftists want something, they never give up, they just retreat a little and prepare a new manner of attack until they get it.

  2. So it was a scheme to register rifles for confiscation later. And they got the progcred for pushing violent confiscation.

    Why didn’t the progs that promulgated this law see the next day’s sunrise? Where are our balls?

  3. @grool December 11, 2019 at 8:11 am

    > GOOD.

    That is so, profoundly, sad.

    I’ll chalk it up to gallows humor.

    When a pack of dingoes breaks into your house, and tries to eat your baby, your banging pots and pans together and scaring them off, does not make it “good”. Not “good enough” to go back to napping, on the couch (even though Conservatives™ are singing lullabies). Certainly not “good enough” that you’ll get back in that kitchen and bake those dingoes a cake. Are you serious that it could, possibly, be “good enough” that you’ll spend the rest of your life, buying the fixins, to keep, forever, makin’ them sammiches?

    All they have learned is how better to attack, next time.

    Until you do what needs doing. Because the attempt has proven, the only, other end. (Even “good enough” for those too slow to follow the math, they saw, decades, before.)

  4. “In this case, the governor’s assault weapons ban will include a grandfather clause for individuals who already own assault weapons, with the requirement they register their weapons before the end of a designated grace period,”

    I’d declare a sanctuary city for free unregistered guns. Anyone who confiscates one, you lose your job. –people like money and employment more than following laws.


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