Virginia Election Fallout: Democrats Want To Undermine Local Zoning, Urbanize the Suburbs – IOTW Report

Virginia Election Fallout: Democrats Want To Undermine Local Zoning, Urbanize the Suburbs

That is so California.
Don’t Democrats like Virginia governor ‘Blackface’ have any original ideas?

Legal Insurrection- Virginia’s election fallout continues, moving from gun confiscation plans to “upzoning.”  Upzoning entails overriding local housing zoning at the state level to allow denser housing in the suburbs, including low-income and public housing.

It’s described as Democrats at the state level saying to “not in my backyard” suburbanites, “yes, in your backyard.”  The idea is to urbanize the suburbs by packing in as many people as possible while citing the white elitism of suburbs and the need to protect the environment. more here

15 Comments on Virginia Election Fallout: Democrats Want To Undermine Local Zoning, Urbanize the Suburbs

  1. Suburbs don’t have public transportation in the same way that urban centers do. What are all of these Section 8 dwelling hood rats gonna do? Will the tax paying suburbanites be then forced to subsidize public transport for these feral humans?

  2. I think the governor and Democrat legislators should set the example on this. Build multi-family, low income housing in their neighborhoods first, with the pilot project on the grounds of the governor’s mansion.

  3. This isn’t separate from their gun-grabbing plans, bur rather an integral part of it. Transplanting inner-city blacks into white suburbs will cause the crime rate in those areas to soar, thereby giving the Democrats an “it’s for your safety” angle in their anti-gun propaganda.

    Democrats are not a benign political party, they are the enemy of the Republic. Everything they say, think and do is oriented toward the single goal of removing self-determination in order to make you dependent upon them for your every need.

    Buy ammo. You’ll be using it sooner than you think.

  4. This sort of thing is going on this very minute. The city just to the east of my old township is demolishing public housing. They’re providing the displaced residents with rent vouchers. The mayor said many of these residents planned to leave the area. WRONG! They moved west and are in the process of destroying my old township.

    These displaced residents are precisely why I moved 40 miles west!

  5. The governor of this state barely got into a third rate medical school and then barely graduated. When he gets caught doing a blackface, he realizes he won’t get thrown out of office by the SJWs if he just screams kill the babies loud enough. Virginia, your governor is a piece of work.

  6. Elections have consequences.
    Too many people think that “nothing’s gonna change” and so stay home to let the election be stolen.
    NO ONE believes in the foolishness being spouted by the totalitarians (with the possible exception of a few really seriously retarded morons) so the conclusion is that it’s some way to steal. If the Fourth Estate was doing what it was paid to do, the excesses and extortions of the Fifth Columnists would be exposed – but alas, they’re in on the fraud.

    When the gov’t refuses to listen, their ears must be opened.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. …they did this to my neighborhood awhile ago. They demised the inner city projects, threw out bus lines into the second and third ring suburbs, and handed out Section 8 voucher with no controls on either renter or landlord, and just metastasized the cancer they incubated in the inner city out into the suburbs, increasing the crime rate and lowering the property values even as they dumbed down the schools to accommodate them.

    By this means, they also took over what was once a solidly Republican county by using the older highways to plant Democrats everywhere they could. Totally dependent on the State-as-Daddy Democrats. They’re everywhere now, and they took over just in time to elect Obama, and have been here ever since.

    Nothing good has come out of it unless you’re a seller of Police tape. Other than that, it’s been a pretty strong net negative for everyone but Democrat electoral hopefuls…


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