Virginia elections chief scolds poll workers over reports maskless voters turned away – IOTW Report

Virginia elections chief scolds poll workers over reports maskless voters turned away

WaEx: The commissioner of the Virginia Department of Elections admonished poll workers after receiving reports of voters being turned away for not wearing masks. 

“You may not turn voters away because they are not wearing masks,” Chris Piper said in an email to poll workers on Tuesday, adding that it “is not sufficient to offer curbside voting as an alternative.”

Under Virginia Code 24.2-649.1, only a person with “a disability or who is age 65 or older” can be provided the option to vote curbside, according to Piper.  more

29 Comments on Virginia elections chief scolds poll workers over reports maskless voters turned away

  1. I’m planning on picking up a bottle of Drambuie tonight, starting a nice rolling fire in the wood stove, sitting down a watching Newsmax and hoping for some sign of voter integrity.

  2. WTF just go out and if you don’t have one in your car just go to parking lot and pick up a random mask off the ground and go back in and vote.

    This is not rocket brain surgery folks.

  3. I’m waiting for tomorrow til I count my chickens.

    I really hope that Youngkin wins by a YUGE landslide and thoroughly humiliates the unscrupulous, corrupt Democrat Party and their ratfucking campaign tactics.

  4. I just heard (Carlson) that Fairfax County has a problem vote counting and will recount which will delay results (that part is true) and mess around until they lose enough Youngkin votes(that is probably also true)


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