Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe: Hillary’s done – IOTW Report

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe: Hillary’s done

WashingtonFreeBeacon: Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a longtime friend and associate of Bill and Hillary Clinton, said Wednesday that he thinks Hillary is finished with politics, the Washington Post reported.

During an interview on WTOP’s “Ask the Governor” program, McAuliffe said that Clinton’s loss to President-elect Donald Trump has been especially tough for the Clintons.

“I mean, this is hard on anybody,” he said. “I mean, can you imagine having to go through this? I’ve had many conversations with the Clinton family. We’re friends. It’s hard, very tough. I think on Election Day everybody felt pretty good. I think the Trump campaign thought they were gonna lose. And you know, this is what happens in elections.”

McAuliffe went on to say that he thinks Hillary will leave the political arena.

“I think so, sure. I don’t think Hillary has any interest in running again. I’ll let her speak for herself. I haven’t asked her that. I think the president’s probably going to go back, working on all the good deeds he’s done before in helping people around the globe,” McAuliffe said.

“You know, there are elections. We’ve got to move forward. As governor of Virginia, I’ve got to move forward.”

27 Comments on Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe: Hillary’s done

  1. Being involved in politics isn’t just running for office. Jimma Carter hasn’t been involved in politics for the last 35 years but we are forced to listen to his drivel.
    Clinton isn’t going anywhere, if she can sober up for Sunday mornings she will be on every leftist show producers most wanted list. Obolo will be on daily.

  2. “You know, there are elections. We’ve got to move forward. As governor of Virginia, I’ve got to move forward.”

    Nothing to see here Mr. Trump! Move along. MOVE ALONG!

  3. Quick, someone toss some dirt on the Clinton campaign bunker, then several layers of cement, then drop it into the deepest part of the sea.

    Clinton’s are like Chernobyl. They will pollute the earth, no matter what we puny people do to contain them.

  4. The ruby slippers vanished and the cankled legs curled up underneath a house. There’s no way she can turn that optic around, unless she runs in some liberal stronghold shit hole.

  5. The slogan of moving forward is the newest liberal presentation of “can’t we all get along since I lost and I need something from you that I have to ask for and can’t demand now?”

  6. Now she’ll become the Wise Old Woman of the Democrat Party, dispensing sage advice and bestowing her blessings on all the up-and-coming new Prog politicians. Women’s rights advocates will vie for her endorsement and she will be much in demand on the speaking circuit (at a reduced price, of course, now that she has been denied the Throne).

    All this and more will come to pass, but I don’t think they’ll be stupid enough to run her for President again.

  7. Beaten by both a black socialist and them by a white nationalist, that has got to sting.
    On top of that, her husband is a whore dog,. I would be willing to bet Huma’s marriage to her whore dog was Hillary’s idea.
    No wonder she is a drunk.

  8. No one was deeper in cohoots with the clintons than McCriminal. Sorry McCriminal, you aren’t disassociating yourselves w the clintons any time soon. You are as rotten and corrupt as they are. Let’s start digging into that clinton crime foundation syndicate and learn about your connections. I say we throw your lying criminal arse out of the governor’s mansion and put you in prison with them.

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