Virginia: Governor Black Face faces criticism for Virginia Beach visit without a mask – IOTW Report

Virginia: Governor Black Face faces criticism for Virginia Beach visit without a mask

After urging Virginians to wear masks when in public, Gov. Ralph Northam acknowledged he should have worn one himself while visiting Virginia Beach on Saturday.

Photos circulating on social media showed Northam, a Democrat, without a face covering on while visiting the oceanfront over the Memorial Day weekend. He stood in close proximity to several beachgoers for photos, breaking social distancing. Republicans criticized Northam, a physician, for not practicing the public health precautions he has asked residents to follow.

“Physician, heal thyself,” tweeted House Minority Leader Todd Gilbert, R-Shenandoah. more here

7 Comments on Virginia: Governor Black Face faces criticism for Virginia Beach visit without a mask

  1. I ain’t defending his particular ass…
    He’s a dumbass
    But the outside, people. The sunshine kills the virus.
    The sun, it controls the climate and kills virus’s
    Embrace the sun
    Put your pillows out in the sun and let them sit there a while, and you will sleep the sleep of the Just that night.
    So he can go out in the sun just like everybody else.
    But he’s still a dumbass

  2. Met some friends at Spotsylvania Courthouse battlefield, one of the last really well preserved civil war sites.
    There were hundreds, if not thousands, biking, dog walking, picnicking. Families everywhere. I never saw a mask.

    Fuck little Ralphie. He’s a droop dick failure.

  3. So, Northam’s slumming with Stacey Abrams. Too bad she’ll be left on the sidelines when Biden picks Whitler and shoves the blacks faces into the huge pile of manure that is the Dim Plantation.


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