Virginia’s pop-up gun sanctuary movement has turned its attention to fighting the governor’s call for a $4.8 million, 18-officer team to enforce his proposed “assault weapons” ban.
Two key groups issued an alert this week to push gun owners to four budget hearings Thursday around the state, asking them to quiz state legislators if they will vote to ban or confiscate weapons.
“We understand that this is short notice. But it would have a significant impact if many of our members could show up and make a 3-minute statement and ask questions of the legislators in attendance,” said the Virginia Citizens Defense League.

“We see in the governor’s proposed budget that he wants $4 million and 18 new law-enforcement positions to enforce a ban on commonly-owned firearms,” said Erich Pratt, Gun Owners of America senior vice president. read more
“The highest obligation and privilege of citizenship, is bearing arms.”
-George Patton
Government of the people, by the people, for the people.
So called ‘lawmakers’ don’t give a damn about the people.
Virginia and Colorado seen nodding in agreement.
For God’s sake. Can’t the Supreme Court give this asshole a call and tell him to go fuck himself?
Has this gone to court yet? why not. It’s unconstitutional.
I didn’t see any new information at the link.
Should have all shown up in blackface just to show how ridiculous that governor is.
For 245 years they were fine with our second amendment.
Now they want to take it away.
What are they REALLY planning to do?
These ass holes aren’t following the West Coast “Frog in a frying pan” style gun confiscation. They are looking for a showdown.
(Knock knock knock.)
(Homeowner opens door.)
(Gun to homeowner’s face.)
“Hand over your AR-15.”
“At the point of a gun?”
“I have authority from the Governor and Legislature…”
(Homeowner steps aside.)
(Officer’s brains on the porch.)
Any “Officer” that volunteers for this detail is a worthless POS, and should be banned from the FOP or whatever police association they belong to because they will bring a burden on their resources to defend them in court from an obvious violation of the Constitution.
Here is a comment I left over at The Feral Irishman on a similar post:
I saw the 2020 budget for the 18 potential gun confiscators (targets). It averaged $88K per person. One third of that would be for benefits. A squad of 18 would have 1 manager and two supervisors. That would put the average grunt making $40-44K, supervisor $48-50k, and manager $55-60K without the possibility of overtime. Kind of cheep for such a deadly job.
Well, if they identify an 18 member crew of gun confiscators, I guess we can bring the guns to them! They might not appreciate it however, if you get my windage.
Those gun enforcement officers should all wear uniforms with red coats.
Like they did last time.
They have Richmond surrounded. Block off the roads already. But DON’T attend that January 20th rally.
Sorry anonymous. I disagree. ATTEND the January 20 rally. En masse. Overwhelming numbers.
This is not the time to shrink from confrontation if one values their God given rights.
I’ll definitely be there. Just by the way.
Still in the imagination of my sign. I’m a sign guy.
My creative juices are flowing. But ideas are welcome.
At first glance, no one would reasonably sign up to be this cannon fodder.
But imagine you have a terminal diagnosis and life insurance won’t pay out bennies to your family… but this benefit does. At that cost that Tsquared listed above, they must be generous….
18 guys?!
What the hell are 18 guys gonna do against the good citizens of VA, most of whom are legal gun owners, of which a fair number are skilled hunters. I’ll tell you what they’ll do…..
Get shot.
They are from the .government, and they are here to help.
What if an ambush was set up and the
18 traitors to the OATH were never
seen or heard of again ?
I saw this on a sign carried by the Monntana contingent at the 9-12 march on Washington:
“This time we came unarmed. Don’t make us come back…”
If they have been trained in Israel, they will treat Americans the same way the IDF treats the Palestinians whom they consider to be not human. Americans who resist government in any way will likely be treated violently as “terrorists.”
Funny how tough the dems are when it comes to taking away the constitutional rights of American citizens, but how wimpy they are when it comes to confronting islamic terrorists.
Why worry? The politicians know the law will be declared unconstitutional by SCOTUS.
What’s the real agenda? Are the anti-gun nuts this gullible to swallow the Democrats virtue signally, or is there another motive?
Not looking to be that confrontational. I am more in the spirit of mocking this disgrace of a Governor. Who the fuck are you and your Bloomberg financed out of staters to presume to attempt to take away my constitutional right?
Gotta make it short, blunt and front page photo quality.
This is a taste of how Dems will govern whenever, wherever they hold unchecked power.
PHenry, whatever you decide on for your sign I think a picture of the governor in blackface should have a prominent place upon it.
18 man force? good thing clips hold 20.
Wonder if our black face bass turd governor would approve of gunfire to execute new born babies?
BlackFace will be sued.
In the meantime, I guess the 18 he wants will have to be rented from Cuba. Because that’s how the lower Americas tin pot dictators do it.
..commie d-sucker va governor-minstrel: hope you enjoy your role in upcoming reality show “battle of bull run, part 3” – (filmed on location in richmond) you will be starring as head of the union army
Here’s the thing about blackface. In that famous Yearbook photo the blackface guy was wearing ugly plaid pants. When pressed, Northam said that he never had pants like that.
Then he said he isn’t in the photo.
So the logical conclusion is that Northam was wearing the hood and robe. He was the KKK guy.
Because his advisers knew he might be able to dodge blackface, but if it was established he was a klansman, he’d be finished.
The dude has already said how hard it is to get shoe polish off your face.
Honestly. This man brachiates from one stupid statement to the other like a spider monkey moves limb to limb.
This may not have time to go to court…..It may damn well be settled in the streets…..just like it was the first time.
Only 18 officers?
Who’s he going to use after day 1, when that 18 are feeding worms?
It was called the “Schutzstaffel” during the Third Reich. AKA the SS.
That’s not how it works…… the first volley will involve a few “crazies” caught up in some “red flag” bullshit and after reading/hearing what lunatics these citizens are, most will quietly nod and say; “well, they should not have had those firearms in the first place.”
Then with the assistance of the sycophant, tyrannical cocksuckers in the media, THEY will continue by making up some fucking lies (which is what they do best) about Phenry or Crackerbaby or most of my friends and acquaintances, one at a time until suddenly the water is boiling! Easily half of us maniacs will be gunned down in our doorways attempting to protect our God given right to self defense, against overwhelming odds (just adding to our lunatic status). The others will give up their weapons as well as their rights in order to not be aborted by the state……. questions?
“The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
Michel de Montaigne
@PHenry-“Want to stop drunk drivers from killing sober drivers? Ban sober drivers from driving. That’s how gun control works.”
^^^ Crackerbaby …sadly you are correct.