Virginia: House GOP Refuses Per Diem Funds. Dems Cling To The Loot. – IOTW Report

Virginia: House GOP Refuses Per Diem Funds. Dems Cling To The Loot.

The Bull Elephant-

Lemme get this straight.

The Commonwealth of Virginia is facing a possible $2.7 billion shortfall over the next two years, due to lost revenue from the pandemic shutdowns.

Yet, in the wake of this fiscal crisis, Democrats decided to award themselves a fat per diem – more than $200 a day it turns out – while working from home. The per diem is intended to be used by members for hotels and meals while in Richmond.

Are House Democrats insane? Did they think Virginians wouldn’t notice this misuse of public funds?

Worse, are these greedy politicians unaware that tens of thousands of Virginians remain unemployed and are struggling to support their families while they merrily slurp up extra tax dollars? The optics of this chicanery are obscene.

Let’s back up.

5 Comments on Virginia: House GOP Refuses Per Diem Funds. Dems Cling To The Loot.

  1. One can only hope that voters everywhere are paying attention to these elected grifters and vote every democrat (and some similar “republicans”) out of office. State / local governments were intended to be closest to “the people” so the people could vote their sorry butts out of office if they abused their power. It’s high time that a house cleaning all across America is undertaken, but it takes voters that actually pay attention to what the thieves they elected are doing.

  2. This is why GUNS are necessary. When politicians become abusive and corrupt, which they always are, the armed mob is the last resort.

    No wonder corrupt democrats want power, and remove this ability from the public.


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