Virginia Hume Speaks Out About Letter From Women Supporting Kavanaugh – IOTW Report

Virginia Hume Speaks Out About Letter From Women Supporting Kavanaugh

DC: Virginia Hume, daughter of Fox News commentator and former anchor Brit Hume, wrote an article for The Weekly Standard on Friday explaining the motivation and circumstances of the letter she signed along with 64 other women in support of Brett Kavanaugh.

After an anonymous woman accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of attempting to force himself onto her at a party in the 1980s when both were in high school, 65 women — including Virginia Hume — who knew Kavanaugh during those years released a letter supporting the character of the Supreme Court nominee.

“Brett attended Georgetown Prep, an all-boys high school in Rockville, Maryland,” the letter reads. “He was an outstanding student and athlete with a wide circle of friends. Almost all of us attended all-girls high schools in the area. We knew Brett well through social events, sports, church and various other activities. Many of us have remained close friends with him and his family over the years. Through the more than 35 years we have known him, Brett has stood out for his friendship, character and integrity. In particular, he has always treated women with decency and respect. That was true when he was in high school, and it has remained true to this day.”

Hume’s Weekly Standard article disputes the theory that the letter had somehow been prepared in advance by those who knew the anonymous allegation against the Supreme Court nominee was about to be made public.

“This, from my daughter, on how the letter for Kavanaugh came about,” tweeted Fox News’ Brit Hume. “So much for the idea it had been prepared ahead of time because those who signed it knew the allegation was coming.”  MORE


Here is Virginia Hume’s statement in full


See also:

Kavanaugh Classmate Named In #MeToo Letter Denies Assault Allegation.

A former classmate of Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s is vehemently denying allegations that the Supreme Court nominee attempted to force himself onto a young woman during a party in high school.

Mark Judge, who attended Maryland’s Georgetown Preparatory School with Kavanaugh in the 1980s, told The Weekly Standard on Friday that the assault allegations were “just absolutely nuts.”

“I never saw Brett act that way,” Judge said.

Details of the alleged assault were first reported Friday morning by the New Yorker, which published the account of an unnamed woman who said Kavanaugh and a male classmate accosted her at a party. The woman alleged that Kavanaugh held her down and covered her mouth while the classmate turned up music in the room to conceal the sound of her protests.

The New Yorker story did not identify the classmate by name, but Judge confirmed to The Weekly Standard that he was the Kavanaugh associate the accuser named. Judge said he had no idea he was named in the allegation until the New Yorker’s Ronan Farrow interviewed him about it.

“[Ronan Farrow] said: As you know, you’re named in the letter. And I did not know,” he told the Weekly Standard.

Judge went on to say the New Yorker refused to tell him the name of the woman who had made the allegation or any details about where and when the assault may have occurred. The unnamed woman has declined to give interviews with other media outlets.

Months before speaking with the New Yorker, the anonymous accuser sent a letter describing the alleged incident to Democratic Rep. Anna Eshoo of California. Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California has also been in possession of the allegations since July…

10 Comments on Virginia Hume Speaks Out About Letter From Women Supporting Kavanaugh

  1. Clinical Psychology huh! Problem I see here is that the candidates who go into the field are not themselves screened for mental illness. Seriously.

    Not all in the field are nutty by any means, but more than you are aware of, are nutty. I know one who has degrees up the wazoo who can’t teach or hold any job because everyone “stares at her boobs.” She was abused by a family member when she was very young and never healed.

    I was in advanced psych classes with students who really needed mental health therapy and meds. In my field, I needed a certified mental health counselor on my team. Two came forward who I had to disqualify because they were completely unbalanced emotionally.

    These people could pass a lie detector test. They really believe what their minds conjured up.


  3. This is a little off topic, but-
    The committee, the senate judicial committee, that is so upset about this allegation, also has oversight of the DOJ. That is the same DOJ/FBI that strozk testified doesn’t have any problems with clandestine extramarital affairs by its employees, including between the employees themselves. They didn’t bat an eye, nor ask a single question about that. (I guess blackmail has gone out of vogue). This same committee now is judging 30+ year old allegations with no supporting evidence? Our government is screwed, and they seek to screw us. And we’ll probably have to wait 30+ years to be heard. But at least we have evidence.
    Please release all the un-redacted warrant applications and 302’s ( a birth certificate or two might be nice, too)


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