Virginia legislation proposes first-degree murder charges for fentanyl distribution – IOTW Report

Virginia legislation proposes first-degree murder charges for fentanyl distribution

JTN: Dealers who sell or distribute substances containing fentanyl could face first-degree murder charges under a bill introduced by a Virginia lawmaker.

House Bill 1455 would declare anyone who knowingly distributes or sells 2 milligrams or more of a mixture containing a detectable amount of fentanyl to another person without their knowledge it contains fentanyl is guilty of attempted first-degree murder by poison.

The bill also declares that if the distribution of a substance containing fentanyl results in someone’s death, the person who sold or distributed the substance would be guilty of first-degree murder by poison.

First-degree murder is considered a Class 2 felony in Virginia – a conviction that carries 20 years to life in prison.

The bill’s author, Del. Tim Anderson, R-Virginia Beach, says the bill is meant to punish dealers who distribute drugs containing fentanyl across the Commonwealth. more

10 Comments on Virginia legislation proposes first-degree murder charges for fentanyl distribution

  1. Geoff
    Nah. Gotta give the condemned….err……convicted one appeals.
    Perp: I want an appeal
    Judge: I’ve reviewed this case, appeal denied, yer still guilty of attempted murder by poison. You will be help in prison until your execution next week.
    gavel: (BANG!)

  2. Good.

    Now how about first degree murder charges for everyone who forced or coerced a person to take the Jab unwillingly along with the people who made both the jab AND the disease it was supposed to combat, in accordance to the Nuremberg laws that are STILL the law of THIS, and EVERY, land of the West?


    …yeah, that’s what I THOUGHT…

  3. Nothing will happen, there are to many on the take.
    Open borders, drug trafficking, human trafficking, the sale of children, kick backs from the cartels for letting them increase the businesses.
    And free guns from Obama.

  4. You do have to be careful about how you control useful drugs. Fentanyl was, and IS, an extremely valuable surgical anesthetic and paralytic that has been beneficially used for decades in the proper setting (surgery) by highly trained personnel (anesthesiologists) for the benefit of surgical patients everywhere.

    If you get TOO aggressive about “controlling” it, that makes it harder to get and use for its PROPER purpose, forcing anesthesiologists to use inferior work-arounds or go without entirely.

    Look what they did to morphine and other opiates. ACTUALLY safe and effective medicines WHEN USED CORRECTLY AND ONLY AS NEEDED, doctors who dished them up too freely and patients who took them for pleasure instead of pain relief caused the Federal Government to overreact as it ALWAYS does, with the one-size-fits-all, cookie cutter solution of making penalties for overprecription SO severe that docs do without, the net effect being that the ONLY people who can’t get them are the people trying to get them though LEGITIMATE channels for ACTUAL pain relief.

    It’s hard even in emergency rooms to get them to do PROPER pain management now, they just want to use weak-tea crap like Tylenol,Tramidol, Gabapentin, even weird side steps like antidepressants and SSRIs that will screw your brain up in other ways, all out of fear that they will get sued or fined if temporary pain relief becomes a permanent addiction.

    Case in point, take my 80.year old mother-in-law. She lives with us and has mobility and balance problems not uncommon with age. We greeted the New Year yesterday morning with the wet mailsack thump of her hitting the bathroom floor in the room behind us when she lost her footing closing the door and broke her foot. She also lacerated her scalp on a door hinge and we were worried about her previously broken neck, but by the grace of God her foot was the only REAL problem.

    We spent several hours in the ER trying to get her some relief, but nurse practicioners and Doogie Howser-esque residents (New Year’s Day, you don’t get the A team) took turns punting the question as my MIL went mad with pain, even ripping off her monitor leads at one point because she was hurting so bad and so frustrated with the nothing they were doing.

    Because you really have to worry about addicting 80 yo women with a single shot of pain relief.

    This wasn’t “nothing” because it was making her literally writhe in pain which just made it worse, and also making her heart rate and anxiety go crazy high. Calmer heals better, but pain make you crazy.

    We finally got someone to dose her (so they could do a temporary cast and admit her), but it took WAY longer than it should have, and left her in agony much longer than necessary, to the benefit of no one.

    Pain control has its place, but Goverment overreaction restricts no one but the law-abiding in genuine need.

    Fentanyl also has legitimate uses in patches and such. Fentanyl is NOT malum in se, it is a tool, and like any other tool can be used or misused, for good or for evil.

    You can use a hammer to build a magnificent building, or whack Paul Pelosi on the head with it after pulling it out of your ass. It’s not the hammer’s fault either way.

    Same with Fentanyl. It’s not a demon, but can be used demonically.

    Don’t demonize its mere existence or you will punish the pained while the poisoners just move on to more and worse things, with plenty of money to make sure your “laws” don’t apply to THEM.

  5. What difference does this make. They won’t execute people for ACTUAL murder most of the time. They sure as hell won’t do it for selling a synthetic opiate. This is just more bullshit political ‘virtue signaling’.

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