Virginia: Pro-Amnesty Rep. Scott Taylor Silent on ‘Scum Bag’ Smear of Pro-American Group – IOTW Report

Virginia: Pro-Amnesty Rep. Scott Taylor Silent on ‘Scum Bag’ Smear of Pro-American Group

Punchable face alert!



GOP Rep. Scott Taylor’s office is refusing to say if he used the term “scum bag” to describe a popular pro-American immigration reform group.

Taylor apparently used the term on his Facebook account shortly after NumbersUSA posted an anti-amnesty advertisement to rally opposition to Taylor’s pro-amnesty letter, which was signed by 34 Republicans and issued December 5. A screenshot of the smear was provided to Breitbart News:

Taylor posted the insult as he was making angry phone calls to the NumbersUSA offices in D.C., according to

A source close to NumbersUSA told Big League Politics that Rep. Scott Taylor called NumbersUSA’s office last Friday “screaming profanities at them” … The source claimed that NumbersUSA did “nothing else” to agitate Taylor, merely sent around the letter.

On Wednesday, Rep. Taylor called again “asking for their physical address and threatened to blow up their offices,” according to the source. Multiple sources close to NumbersUSA confirmed the statement on the phone call.

SNIP: Just wanted  to remind you that  Scott Taylor really loves hearing from you!

Please, continue:

Taylor’s office denied making the threat but declined to comment on the “scum bag” evidence. A later version of the page viewed by Breitbart News dropped the “scum bag” reference and apparently described NumbersUSA as a “bottom feeding Washington group.”

The NumbersUSA organization is using the dispute to focus public attention on Taylor’s pro-DACA amnesty push, which has disregarded President Donald Trump’s pro-American priorities, such as a border wall and an end to chain migration and the visa lottery. Roy Beck, the founder of NumbersUSA, declined to explain what happened when Taylor called, telling Breitbart News:

Sorry, we’re not commenting to anybody on that story.

We’re staying focused on the issues, especially the insistence by the 34 letter signers that [House] Speaker [Paul] Ryan give out an amnesty before January with the suggestion that issues like Chain Migration, E-Verify and every other fix to the broken immigration system put off to be dealt with later.  We’ve had four citizenship amnesties (1986-1997-1998-2000). Every one gave the amnesty immediately and put off until later fixing the system.  What kind of fools do these 34 Republican letter signers think the American workers are to fall for their great “compassionate” appeal for a no-strings amnesty NOW?

A CBO report issues December estimated that the amnesty would cost $26 billion in just the first ten years. The cost estimate was made possible by the CBO’s judgment that only half of the illegals would make full use of the amnesty, and that 20 percent would have some level of university education.

Taylor’s endorsement of the DACA amnesty is also earning him more skepticism from Fox News’ host Laura Ingraham and commentator Michelle Malkin.

“There needs to be a forceful pushback from grassroots conservatives,” Malkin said in Ingraham’s December 16 show.

“People like Scott  Taylor from Virginia … he is absolutely obsessed with pushing this DACA thing through,” Ingraham said.

SNIP: Keep reading to see who is challenging, and who are supporting the challenger of  the scum bag  Scott Taylor,
right here


5 Comments on Virginia: Pro-Amnesty Rep. Scott Taylor Silent on ‘Scum Bag’ Smear of Pro-American Group

  1. He must share the same private dining room at Charlie Palmer Steakhouse with Rubio, Flake, Ryan, Graham, McCain.
    I detest the human drink coaster Rubio, once again held tax bill hostage “for the hard working low income families” child tax credit, i.e., more money to illegals with 15 kids who never paid into the system.

  2. Scott Scott Scott, you signed it so you can’t deny it. Please point to me the part in your letter where we build the wall and deport all the violent criminals and rapist and MS 13 gangs and the welfare grabbing families.

    You are only concerned about YOUR paycheck and growth in power, not the people you represent. We got the house, senate and President all elected and now we are going to help President Trump drain the swamp by shitcanning all you usless RINO’s.

    Your welcome. 🙂

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