VIRGINIA: Republican Attorney General Candidate Promises To Declare Democrat Gun Laws Unconstitutional – IOTW Report

VIRGINIA: Republican Attorney General Candidate Promises To Declare Democrat Gun Laws Unconstitutional

National File:

Chuck Smith, a Republican candidate for Attorney General of Virginia, declared Democrat gun laws unconstitutional and called big government gun grabs a hate crime, in a video laying out his plans to restore Virginians’ Second Amendment rights upon winning office.

Smith, a Virginia Beach-based Marine Corps veteran and attorney, is one of four candidates seeking the GOP nod to compete to be his state’s next Attorney General. Having raised over $147,000, he appears to be the front runner to take on incumbent Mark Herring, a blackface-wearing Democrat and close political ally of Governor Ralph Northam. more

10 Comments on VIRGINIA: Republican Attorney General Candidate Promises To Declare Democrat Gun Laws Unconstitutional

  1. Pedo Joe’s puppet masters won’t like this guy.
    That’s a big plus.
    One good thing about Maine is our state Constitution says no one can remove our gun rights.

  2. When a repub runs for the first time saying the right things, you almost have to give them the benefit of the doubt and vote for them. What else is one to do?

    Then if they are elected, and they turn on us and stab us in the back, which about 95% of elected republicans do, never vote for them again.
    The party cannot come to terms with kicking them out of office after they stab us in the back.
    And that is why we are screwed.

  3. “Republican Attorney General Candidate Promises To Declare Democrat Gun Laws Unconstitutional”

    1) most “Republicans” lie to get elected, then go Left. Some will make noises like this, but ONLY if they are SURE Democrat majorities will keep it from happening.

    2) “Candidate Promises”. Promises are all they are. Only President Trump ever KEPT any.

    3) “Declare Democrat Gun Laws Unconstitutional”. AGs cannot “declare” ANYTHING unconstitional. Courts do that. And we all know what the compromised, cowardly, and Communist Roberts court will do already…

  4. Chuck Smith has run unsuccessfully for other positions. I know his name but don’t know much about him and never met him.

    I have no opinion on him one way or another.


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