Virginia: Soros-Backed Prosecutor Accosts Security Guards at Courthouse Checkpoint – IOTW Report

Virginia: Soros-Backed Prosecutor Accosts Security Guards at Courthouse Checkpoint

WFB: A Virginia prosecutor backed by progressive billionaire George Soros tried to use his status as an elected official to avoid a courthouse security checkpoint, leading to a vulgar confrontation between Steve Descano and the security guards stationed on site.

The tense back-and-forth ensued when the Fairfax County commonwealth’s attorney and a colleague asked private security officers if they could bypass a standard screening station when they entered the county courthouse on the morning of Sept. 28. They became agitated and vulgar when their request was denied, according to a Fairfax County sheriff’s office incident report obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

“Both attorneys demonstrated behavior unsuited for an officer of the court. Allied Security Officers experienced disrespect and unprofessionalism,” a sheriff’s office supervisor wrote in the report.

Descano is one of several Soros-backed prosecutors whose defendant-focused enforcement practices are causing tension with local law enforcement and elected officials. In neighboring Loudoun County, Soros-backed commonwealth’s attorney Buta Biberaj is facing heat from fellow Democrats over her lenient approach to domestic abuse cases. In September, a Loudoun defendant out on a $5,000 bond for domestic assault was charged with murdering his wife with a hammer. Both Descano and Biberaj are facing recall efforts. more here

5 Comments on Virginia: Soros-Backed Prosecutor Accosts Security Guards at Courthouse Checkpoint

  1. When you are an anointed Libtard and you finally have the power to inact your libtard policies and those policies directly lead to a battered women being murdered with a hammer it is not unreasonable for such a power drunk libtard to lash put at the uneducated and unwashed. Those brutal with badges just lack the philosophical understanding that to create a better society some eggs will be broken in the process.

    Don’t get me wrong, if that was my sister I’d be making plans and a to do list for the D,A. p.o.s. murder and the tool the DA p.o.s. murderer unleashed on my sister.

    It’s simple- there is a social contract: the victims don’t take matter into their own hands because the state will do that for them. if the state defaults on its obligations then the victims have the right to do it their way.


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