Virginia: Terry McAuliffe continues to claim critical race theory is ‘made up’ – IOTW Report

Virginia: Terry McAuliffe continues to claim critical race theory is ‘made up’

McAuliffe claimed Virginia schools ‘don’t teach critical race theory’.

FOX: Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe on Sunday repeated his talking point about critical race theory being a “dog whistle” and said it is a “made-up” plan by his Republican opponent to “divide people.”

McAuliffe made the comments during an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union” in response to a question about how he would respond to a former supporter of his who is now supporting Glenn Youngkin, his Republican opponent, over public schools “pushing a radical agenda in which American history is portrayed as racist.”

“This is a made-up – This is a Trump, Betsy DeVos, Glenn Youngkin plan to divide people,” McAuliffe said. “It really bothers me. I try to unite people.”

“I really hate to see what Glenn Youngkin is trying to do to Virginia what Donald Trump did to our country,” McAuliffe added. ” I really hate to see the division, the hatred. We’re putting these children in this horrible position. Let’s just be clear. We don’t teach critical race theory.” more

5 Comments on Virginia: Terry McAuliffe continues to claim critical race theory is ‘made up’

  1. Bombshell in Maine

    “During courtroom legal testimony, TrialSite advisory committee member Dr. Peter McCullough reports that the adverse event death rate in the state of Maine indicates considerable cause for concern. An inordinate amount of deaths, 661 within 28 days after vaccination, suggests a distinct possible link, although, of course, this isn’t prima facie proof that the deaths are caused by the COVIID-19 vaccines. The VAERS death rate is 7 times the rate of Maine’s average monthly Covid death rate. During the entire year of 2020, Maine reported 1,070 Covid deaths. The lawsuit centers on a call for injunctive relief bought by the Alliance Against Healthcare Mandates. This plaintiff seeks to stop the State of Maine’s emergency rulemaking order mandating all healthcare workers to get the jab for COVID-19. On the plaintiff’s side was counsel Ron Jenkins while on the state was represented by Attorney General Thomas Knowlton. Apparently, the entire court proceeding is blacked out from mainstream media, which by itself is quite troubling.”

    The Lawsuit
    Early in September, the Alliance Against Healthcare Mandates filed a lawsuit against the State of Maine seeking to block SARS-CoV-2 vaccine mandates targeting health care workers. The key legal claim centered on the lack of legislative input or public hearings supporting the mandates. The plaintiffs argue that severe staffing shortages and stress on first responders would ensure. The target deadline for all affected workers is October 29, 2021.

    Dr. Peter McCullough: Expert Witness
    Published on YouTube, Dr. McCullough’s court testimony occurred Friday, Oct. 8, for a court audience in Augusta, Maine. The testimony revealed that 661 Mainers died within 28 days of receiving a COVID-19 vaccination, which places those deaths within the CDC’s window of investigatory concern as significant events. Dr. McCullough cautions all that the nature and timing of the deaths is highly suspect and needs to be investigated.

    On the Defensive
    The State of Maine’s CDC Director, Dr. Nirav Shah, shared his point of view. First, it should be noted that this office only investigated 31 of the 661 deaths—that is, those deaths that involved Myocarditis or inflammation of the heart often triggered by viral infection. Second, Dr. Shah minimizes the 661 deaths by comparing this count to the 400 million doses administered nationwide. Of course, that’s really just a real cheap trick as the State of Main only has about 1.4 million. So, the fact that this educated professional even tried such a comparison as a means of deflection only raises suspicion even further.

    Moreover, Shah attempted to persuade the judge that the actual number of COVID-19 vaccines exceeded all previous vaccines for the last three decades. Finally, his personal analysis of breakthrough cases and what’s actually happening out in the world are two very distinct realities.

    The Deaths
    The CDC director reported that the following death categories were not investigated whatsoever:

    Heart Attacks (391)
    Strokes (260)
    Embolisms (216)
    Low platelet counts (201) or others
    Rather these often-overlapping diagnoses were given to the CDC purportedly to investigate.

    Call to Action—check out the video. Follow Dr. McCullough’s on the McCullough Report. See a Facebook site associated with the Alliance Against Healthcare Mandates.

  2. The asshole who basically choreographed the Charlottesville riot claims he hates to see division and hatred. That’s democrat-speak for exactly the opposite. What a douche canoe.


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