Virginia to begin double-counting multiple positive coronavirus cases – IOTW Report

Virginia to begin double-counting multiple positive coronavirus cases

The new policy may serve to sharply drive up case numbers, which may in turn significantly delay the re-opening of the state.

Just the News: Virginia this week will begin counting multiple positive coronavirus tests in the same patient as new individual cases of the disease, a policy decision likely to significantly drive up reported case numbers in a state that has been relatively spared the worst of the pandemic so far. 

The state government announced on Saturday a policy change to its coronavirus data metrics. Health officials will begin reporting “the number of unique people tested per day rather than the number of unique people who have been tested at any point during the response,” the new policy states.  more

14 Comments on Virginia to begin double-counting multiple positive coronavirus cases

  1. Virginia is not the only place. My rural county has a death from WuFlu. Turns out he had a recreational property here, his full time home was in the Seattle area. He was counted as a death in both counties.

  2. They have to keep up the fear as long as they can. Because if Slo’ Joe gets up there to debate Trump on national TV, it is not going to be a pretty sight for Democrats to watch.

  3. My county lists the total number of people who have been considered to have it (can’t quite squeeze whether or not they were confirmed by testing out of the health department) and doesn’t even keep track of how many currently have it or how many have insignificant or no symptoms from it.

    It’s just an all inclusive number that makes it look like that there are that many people who have active cases of it. No way at all to determine how many people actually have it, everyone is considered to have it permanently or something maybe.

  4. The left will NEVER run out of ways to CHEAT!! Waiting for the biggest wave of cheating at the Nov elections!!!

    The demoncrats know their cheats will work— just look how fearlessly they have become tyrannical during the covid hype.

    “ELECTIONS, WE DON’T NEED NO STINKING ELECTIONS. I WILL NOT GIVE UP MY POWERS.” Spoken by every corrupt elected official.

  5. Defecrats: Fear-Mongering, Misery Merchants!
    Oh… and Seniors, don’t fergit, Republicans are going to take your Social Security away from you and push Granny in her wheelchair over the cliff! How long have we been hearing them scream that shit from the rafters???


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