Virginia: U.S. Marshals rescue 27 missing children during ‘Operation Find Our Children’ – IOTW Report

Virginia: U.S. Marshals rescue 27 missing children during ‘Operation Find Our Children’

OAN: The U.S. Marshals Service released a statement Friday noting they have recovered 27 missing and exploited children in Virginia as a result of what they called ‘Operation Find Our Children.’

Many of the underage individuals were found in the state’s larger populated cities, while seven were found in the state’s more rural communities of Roanoke and Abingdon.

More than 60 law enforcement investigators worked with more than 50 employees from the Virginia Department of Social Services, a number of medical professionals and experts with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children to carry the mission out. more here

7 Comments on Virginia: U.S. Marshals rescue 27 missing children during ‘Operation Find Our Children’

  1. God bless these heroes. Those who work with finding children are working with the internet and are immersed in evil during their work.
    Most of all pray for these children, whose childhood has been stolen.

  2. …may the Lord comfort and protect those children, heal their wounds, calm their fears, grant them the blessing of forgetfulness, pass the girls over for pregnancy from their captors, clear them of disease, and find loving, caring arms fir them to ease them out of this horrific experience into what remains of their stolen childhood that they may grow away from it, live apart from it, and become normal men and women that can fulfill the destiny the Lord has planned for them, while escaping the scourge of becoming abusers themselves. May they turn to Jesus as their Ultimate Counselor, and may He send His Comforting Spirit to convey His love to them and guide them the rest of their days.

    In the merciful name of Jesus I pray,

    God Bless,

  3. “The Department of Justice has released a statement saying this latest rescue mission brings the total number of endangered and missing children recovered by the U.S. Marshals Service this year to more than 440.”

    Stunning lack of media coverage. What are they hiding? Who are they protecting?

  4. Graceia
    NOVEMBER 3, 2020 AT 9:30 AM
    “God bless these heroes. Those who work with finding children are working with the internet and are immersed in evil during their work.”

    …you are right to be concerned for them, as well as for those who rescued them and who treated them as patients, and those who will raise them once again as children.

    You can speak of evil, read of evil, watch movies about evil, but not really understand evil until you realize we live in a world where it’s necessary to check an infant’s diaper for bleeding because of something a “caregiver” may have done, seen the burns on a child that are proof positive it was lowered into scalding water until its genitals were burnt because the child retracts their limbs in a certain way that’s so well-known that it shows how common that evil really is, or heard the pride…PRIDE!…in an injured molesters voice as he gloats on the crime he got injured during the arrest for as he says he WILL do it AGAIN, and discover these sorts of things are far, FAR more common than any of us would like to admit…

    …I’m using some restraint here to keep useless anger out, but know that those folks will have to not see just the SURFACE of this evil, but delve INTO it, interview children who are both abused and witnessed the abuse of others, children who may have been betrayed by their own parents into these situations, and watch the sorts of videos that prideful molesters make of their unspeakable acts for their own use and to arrange sales and trades with other molesters, interview the molesters themselves, do everything they CAN to ferret out ALL the poison these beasts injected into these children…

    …and then go home, perhaps to a spouse and family who could not understand, and try to pretend like they’re unaffected by all that and try to have a normal life themselves.

    Know that those bones don’t rest quietly, and that they will not forget this sordid display of the evil that men do on the weakest among us EVER, and may question if they could have or should have done anything differently at the time to help them sooner or prevent further abuse even many years later, well after the children themselves are adults.

    Because will be times, in the quiet of night and the security of home, tucked away behind a curtain of years, with their loving wife asleep in their arms in a warm and comfortable bed, when they’ll still hear the screams.

    Lord bless those people with the ability to face down this evil, to do what needs done, bless them with the strength to overcome the revulsion to ensure those responsible do not escape, mete out severe justice to the subhumans they captured as a reward for their diligence, and then bless them with the ability to put all behind them at the end of each day so they can be the loving spouse and parent You would have them be, until it is time to look evil in the eyes once again.

    Please Lord bless those who are yet in chains and those who struggle to free them thatall may come home soon, and claim those they struggle against to Your throne to answer to You for these foul crimes as quick as the next thought, and heal this land that those wicked reprobate souls can no longer find safe harbor for their crimes from sea to shining sea,

    And I ask it all in the mighty name of Jesus,


    God bless them all,


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