Virginia: Video of School Board Member Abrar Omeish’s 2019 Arrest – IOTW Report

Virginia: Video of School Board Member Abrar Omeish’s 2019 Arrest

She’s a mess.

Fairfax GOP:

On Monday’s Larry O’Connor Show, the WMAL host played extensive audio clips from school board member Abrar Omeish’s 2019 arrest. Supervisor Pat Herrity (R-Springfield) shared his thoughts on Omeish’s arrest record, as well as her recent inflammatory comments on Israel that many would consider needlessly divisive, if not deeply anti-Semitic.

“I don’t necessarily support recall efforts, unless there’s something egregious — and I think in this case, there is something egregious,” Herrity said on WMAL.

On March 5, 2019, then-candidate Omeish was stopped for a traffic violation. The officer asked for Omeish’s license and registration more than a dozen times, after which he instructed the candidate to step out of her vehicle. Omeish countered that she didn’t “want to” leave her car. After several warnings, the officer removed Omeish, and she was arrested. more here

h/t PHenry.

18 Comments on Virginia: Video of School Board Member Abrar Omeish’s 2019 Arrest

  1. Cops talk too fast and mush mouth everything. But the idiot woman can’t follow orders because being on the school board make her elite or something. The man says get out of the car, you get out.

  2. @Jethro: According to the koran, a woman doesn’t have disobey her husband to get a beating. He can beat her if he fears she MIGHT be disobedient. What a great religion for women, huh. Clitorectomies and all you can beat buffet.


  3. She sounds just like some islamist professional grievance mongers we have over in Portland, ME. Muslim women too.
    Go start fights and then claim racism or religious bigotry and try suing for a big payday.
    Send them back.
    Holy cow that whine was so high pitched all the dogs in the area must have been covering their ears.

  4. Thank God the whole resisting reasonable requests, which her refusals turned into resisting commands, was caught on video. You’re fooked bitch. Hate it for ya, heh heh.

  5. @Tommy Boy – Anybody who claims victim-hood status can be a Dindu Nuffin.

    I’s good to be a victim…if you want to rise in life no higher than the government overlords will allow you to.

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